Hi, I searched for an item list for stardew valley and only found outdated versions. So I decided to unpack the ObjectInformation.xnb and weapon.xnb to create actual lists. I provided one file in excel format with item and weapon ID's together and two seperate txt files. All files are packed in one zip archive at Nexusmods.com. Added the "Mod-Help" also here ... http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/object-and-weapon-ids-for-stardew-valley-1-1.4494/ BR Kulti
Updated the excel file. You now can filter by categories which is a nice help for modders who are looking to edit specific categories of items.
Thank you and very kind of you as well. I performed 2 Updates already. UPDATE1: I created some tabs for the excel file. You now can filter by categories which is a nice help for modders who are looking to edit specific categories of items. UPDATE2: I exported fish.xnb to create another tab for the excel file. Now you can check and filter categories for fish: Location to catch Season to catch Weather to catch Time to catch Request: Can anyone share the Fish.xnb from \Stardew Valley\Content\Data for me?? I am a bit unsure if my file is unmodified
UPDATE3: I exported crops.xnb, boot.xnb, hats.xnb, fruittree.xnb and created additional tabs for the excel. I also added some nice calculations for crop values and seasonal profit's. You can use that to optimize your farm and seed plannings.