Customization among an NPC would be pretty cool in my opinion. Imagine having an NPC that you think looks kind of boring or dull. With NPC customization you could change everything about that NPC. Physical Appearance: You can change its body type, hair (Color/Style/Facial Hair), facial expressions and even its stance. Wanna give your NPC a mohawk? GO AHEAD! Want it to be big tough and buff, or fat weak and hunched over? Sure! Mental Attributes: You can change the way they think, think things through, handle situations and the way they interact with others. For example: You want your NPC to be tough, mean, fearless and cocky... well no problem! If you want them to be timid, scared, helpless and f***ing dumb as hell, well you can do it! (The way they think helps on how they maneuver around when fighting or just walking around.) Combat Style: I like this part a lot. You can change the way they fight! For example: Your NPC fights with gun type weapons... well you could change that! You could make it so it fights with swords, maces, bows, daggers, or Teck type weapons (I spelled Tech like Teck for a reason. Teck Weapons are the "new" magic type weapons which were used in Terraria, instead of using "magic" you use "Teck". Teck is the electrical power you currently have. There will be a Teck Bar by your Health bar.) You can also make it so it can fight by jumping and shooting or running, dodging and shooting/slashing/stabbing etc or whatever! You decide how it fights. Accessories: You can choose what your NPC wears! Want to give it a cool black trenchcoat like Blade's? Ok then. Want to give it a hat? Awesome. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the customization, you can even change the color of the clothes. Hell, you can even draw your own items for you AND your NPC's with the "Static Animation Processor" (Machine you can build later on with the right resources and parts and right NPC) With the S.A.P. you can (Similar to MS Paint) make your own clothes and items (Yes even weapons) for you AND your NPC's. I hope you enjoyed my suggestion guys! Send me some feedback!
yup,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think the NPC(fluttershy) should just run away when something goes near the npc(fluttershy)
Totally making an army of John Egberts and Dave Striders. That plan cannot possibly go wrong! Terezi areal bots Aradia/Sollux guards Equius tanks Kanaya crafting Nepeta Monster taming Karkat melee weapons Fefari Aquatic supplies Jade parts saleswomen Rose eldrich materials Eridan (lost in spacepod somewhere in space )
This will be awesome! I'll make an Army of Clone Troopers (if there is a vanity item of Clone Trooper Armour). I shall Remake the 501st Legion!
That... sounds... GREAT!!! I can Make Zero's personal Group(Basicly they're assassins Trained by him.) Zero: They should least know when to back away form a fight, and not be some idiotic person that will just charge at things! Me:... right I cannot possibly imagine all the things one can make. we can remake 300! But this time with female spartans!
I dissagree with this. From my understanding, the devs are including enough NPC's so we can pick and choose what ones we want to use. In a sense, we already have a customization of NPCs to pick from. The extra programming needed to customize them each individually isn't worth delaying the game.
I understand this logic, but it would be very unique if this would be in the game. In some ways I disagree with myself. I was just saying how it would be cool if you could actually control your NPCs
I think the Devs had the monsters in mind for controling NPC's you get to choose what monster you want to take out of all the procedurally generated ones. which is SORTA like having a custom npc