That's what I did. I suppose I can try reinstalling it again. OH! I believe I've found the problem. It appears that I had a copy of the old folder hiding inside another mod folder. Yep, everything appears to be in working order now. Nevermind... Spades is back in action!
hey Bietol when they add ship upgrade how are you going to do the ship its been on my mind ever since i saw your ship? sorry if im thinking to far ahead
I'm pretty sure if Chucklefish decides to ignore your ideas i'll be keeping this version of the Novakid over the official. I hope when they're implemented the devs take a look at this mod first, it's awesome!
I've seen this before while developing the mod, but it would never repeat itself for me one a second run or leave any logs behind, so I wasn't able to investigate. Are you able to get past it on subsequent tries?
You need to find the starbound.log, and look for errors - will have the error at top and 7-8 numbers beneath it. The errors reported to windows are unreliable. So grab that and post it here
I tried several times and I couldn't seem to get past that...I tried one other custom race, thinking maybe it was a problem with those in general, but it seemed to work. Novakid doesn't want to work though, sadly. I was able to make a character, but I can't actually get in. Hmm...I will look at them once I am back to my desktop, where I have Starbound installed. I'll let you know what I find then.
Seems to be working now...I don't know what the problem was before..xD thanks for the mod though loving it now xD
So I'm wanting to make a Anodyne for a roleplay concept, and I know they are Roman based... So what armor combo would look Roman? Any help?
Pretty simple, actually. Go into the "novakid+/ships" folder and delete the 3 files there, than copy the files from any of the ship folders in the "madtulip/ships/[race]" folder to your "novakid+/ship" folder. Skadoosh, customizable ship!
bietol is so awesome, hes even mentioned by name in this video: (possibly even in it, but ive never seen a rl pic so cant say haha) lovin the mod bietol miss fixing your lua
Ok I looked in all pages to be sure. But my issue here is the Novakids faces. The clothes all show but the heads do not nor the hands. I use the Mod manger and made sure to only have Novakid+ and the extended bar added until I get this corrected. So I'm not sure where my fault is. Any idea's?
I have no clue how to mod because I have never done it before. I downloaded the mod along with two other mods to help the Novakid+ mod, but I just can't get it to work so if anyone can help me please send a reply. Thanks Guys or Girls
Bietol updated Novakid+ with a new update entry: Furious Koala update + a craftable statue Read the rest of this update entry...