@Jonesy Done..! Sorry for the long wait, but here ya go! (I'm very sorry if you hate/didn't want it to be like this...)
It's looks really good! Although the story's called Protectorate Rising, not Protectorate Uprising, so I might get you to do a quick edit on that if it's not too much trouble.
Alrighty! Can you draw me this gal? I know the belt is more of an orange, but could you make it a bronze? This is her headpiece
Heyo, Merry Christmas everyone and everybody! Here's a gift/drawing...? For the people I admire here in this lovely place!
Sorry if I'm late on seeing this, my notification didn't notify me! xD Great work as always! There's only one thing that is missing in that picture: YOU
No I'm not, because I'm everywhere! I'm in your brain, your soul, your food, your etc... If you just look I'm there or here...! (Or I'm being stupid as always... ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ)