well, now look at you now! making awesome drawings left and right, to be fair, i think you can start to think about comissioning some of your work, just a friendly tip. are you still using a mouse? or did you get a wacom? I lost mine and i'm mourning it has a year now
If people want to friend/know Panda! She has a steam account with the name, Diana Brando. Here's the URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/senripanda (but pls keep it a secret, that it was me who posted her URL! ( ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ)) Thought t'was tablet or something! But, Coolsome!
Happy Halloween. (´• ω •`)ノ Time to spoopy(beat up) out some monsters/ghosts/demons Q(`⌒´Q), or just get some candy or somethin'! (This took awhile to draw... like three or four weeks.)
Yo guys... I've been spacing out a lot today, I felt like turd all day. I'm so tired! I've been drawing this the whole day..! I feel happy... now, goodnight!
Very nice artwork. In fact, if you've got the time, perhaps you'd consider helping me out with a request? I've been meaning to get a piece of cover art for my Starbound fanfic Protectorate Rising, in order to spice the thread up a bit. The story is basically my own take on Starbound's, told from the perspective of an Apex engineer named Vikton. Technically, he's actually the right-hand-man and love interest to the 'protagonist' (i.e. the equivalent of the player character), an Avian soldier named Illinal. For the cover art, I'd like the two main characters sitting on a hillside looking up at the stars, with Vikton hugging Illinal from behind. There'd need to be the title itself somewhere in the picture, wherever you can fit it. I've made the two main characters in-game, for reference. Vikton is an Apex engineer who fled the MiniKnog and joined the Protectorate. As a result, he wears a standard Protector uniform with orange colouring, as per his profession. He has brown fur and is reasonably well-groomed, although events of the story leave him a bit more disheveled. Illinal is an Avian soldier who deserted the Stargazers and ultimately joined the Protectorate to help the Grounded. She wears a Protectorate tank top with an Avian Worker Skirt, both in red due to her being a soldier. Vikton also gave her the Protectorate Flower found during the prologue, which she wears in her plumage. Her feathers are mostly blue, with white ones around her chest and torso (as per the standard Avian sprite). I'd be happy to provide further details if need be. This isn't an urgent request, so don't feel obliged to force yourself to do it.