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RELEASED Non-flammable materials 1.0

I mean they're all non-flammable now

  1. Eralia

    Eralia Phantasmal Quasar

    Eralia submitted a new mod:

    Non-flammable materials - I mean they're all non-flammable now

    Read more about this mod...
  2. rl.starbound

    rl.starbound Phantasmal Quasar

    An alternative, if you want flammable blocks in general, but don't want flammable structures to spawn into volcanic worlds: Saner Volcanic Worlds. The trade-off here, of course, is that it does somewhat reduce the variety of things that can spawn into volcanic worlds. I replaced some dungeon sets with ones made of non-flammable blocks, but some of the dungeon designs were just so thoroughly flammable that it didn't make aesthetic sense to replace them.
    Eralia likes this.

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