RELEASED Non-Default Replacement Chickens (Silkie, Orpington, Barred Rock)

Discussion in 'Livestock' started by Lavapulse, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Delsin7

    Delsin7 Space Spelunker

    Oh man, silkies are super adorable. Especially when they stand up and try to walk like a person. O3O Tiny little fuzzy chicken people. Hopefully you can get it working in Storm or SMAPI soon.
      Lavapulse likes this.
    • Lavapulse

      Lavapulse Phantasmal Quasar

      Which two XNB Files? There should be more than that. At the bare minimum, you need 3 XNB files: the texture files for the adult and baby + the FarmAnimals.XNB that adds the species to your game's animal list. If you already did that, it's possible you forgot to let the new FarmAnimals.XNB override your game's old one. Unfortunately, that might crash your game if you're missing the other texture files that come with the download. If installing all the files per the instructions on the original post doesn't help, I'd double-check to make sure your edit saved correctly. And don't worry about the questions; I want it to work.
        Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
      • CaveSalamander

        CaveSalamander Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Those silkies are positively adorable :love:
        Has anyone tested if the extra breeds show up randomly from incubated eggs?
          Lavapulse likes this.
        • Morichinatsu

          Morichinatsu Space Spelunker

          I doubt they will, CaveSalamander, as you get a brown chicken from a brown egg and a white chicken from a white egg. </3
          But I agree these are extremely cute! I'd love to see a barred rock too. I used to have a bunch of roosters when I was little and it was really cute when I got them at the auction house because I remember looking in the box and seeing a bunch of little black chicks and then one little yellow one and they just melted my heart.
          Kept the white leghorn for forever but we ended up getting rid of all of the barred rocks because 15 roosters was just too many! Maybe I can have my babs back in Stardew Valley <3
            Lavapulse likes this.
          • Lalalovebird

            Lalalovebird Void-Bound Voyager

            I just lost 70hrs from this mod. Be careful with the data file switch...
            • Morichinatsu

              Morichinatsu Space Spelunker

              There shouldn't be anything in this mod that would do that. Making backups before doing anything to the game helps ensure this doesn't happen. If you want to PM me, I can try to help you get your data back.
              • Ankou

                Ankou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                What a lovely little mod and idea! So far this method works with every species I've tried except for ducks (no idea what is going on with them) and has really added a lot of diversity to my ranch playthrough. Thank you for this mod and discovery.

                Not to mention you did an amazing job on the silkie chicken sprites, they are adorable.
                  Lavapulse likes this.
                • Lavapulse

                  Lavapulse Phantasmal Quasar

                  Thanks again for all the compliments :) Very kind of all of you.
                  For those of you who were having problems, I posted a tool (in progress) that might help:

                  They don't, unfortunately, because they lay the game's standard eggs, which will always yield a brown or white chicken. I could make custom eggs for these chickens, but then I don't think they'd be incubatable.

                  Sorry to hear that! There's nothing in this mod that could cause that, so I'm guessing there was an issue when you edited your save. Luckily, unless you deleted it, I'm guessing it's just a typo. Easy to fix, and then nothing should be lost. If Morichinatsu hasn't already helped you, you could always PM me as well and I'll help you figure out what went wrong. The Mod Toolkit I just posted can also do the save edit for you and prevent stuff like this from happening in the future.
                    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
                  • Lavapulse

                    Lavapulse Phantasmal Quasar

                    I added a barred rock texture :)
                    • hikarushirou

                      hikarushirou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Ok, so I've download the extra fluffs and added them to the proper folder, but... how do I get them since buying animals is random as hell. Do I do just that? Just buy chickens until I get the desired result?
                      • Lavapulse

                        Lavapulse Phantasmal Quasar

                        Modders can't edit the shoplists without an injector script using SMAPI or STORM, so you're going to have to buy an animal in-game and then pick out a breed for it by editing your save. I explain how to do this manually in the OP. I also made a tool that does this for you (linked in the OP).
                        • hikarushirou

                          hikarushirou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Ah, ok! I must've been blinded by the cute to notice that. :rofl: Thanks~
                            Lavapulse likes this.
                          • Lavapulse

                            Lavapulse Phantasmal Quasar

                            Hope it works for you :) enjoy!
                            • Ankou

                              Ankou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              Okay, I don't want to be a pest but I've been beating my head against a wall for several days trying to get this to work to add other coop animals and I really hope you can help me.
                              Turns out, it isn't just ducks I'm inept at adding, I tested it and I even manage to crash it if I try to add another chicken (however yours work great.)
                              If I try to add any coop animal on my own I get a CTD if I go in the forest. Adding barn animals works and I can even edit the coop animals into my farm with zero issues (though I get the crash even if I don't,) I just get a fatal object reference error in the forest if I try to add a chicken, rabbit, or duck.

                              I don't expect you to to troubleshoot it for me though I was just wondering, is this your process?
                              -Unpack the animal you want to edit (like Rabbit.xnb, to get Rabbit.png and Rabbit.yaml) and FarmAnimals.xnb
                              -Change Rabbit.png to the new sprites you want to use
                              -Change the names of the png and yaml to the breed name, for example White Rabbit
                              -Repeat for BabyRabbit, naming things BabyWhite Rabbit
                              -Pack the new White Rabbit files to get White Rabbit.xnb and the baby version
                              -Place both in the animals folder

                              -Open the FarmAnimals.yaml and copy the line of the species you are duplicating. I just place the new animal line under it's 'parent' animal usually.
                              -Change nothing but the name, so it is now called White Rabbit
                              -Save, repack, and place in the data folder

                              I've also tried just renaming the .xnb files to what I want without unpacking them as an experiment, then editing the FarmAnimals.yaml and get the same crash.
                              • Lavapulse

                                Lavapulse Phantasmal Quasar

                                Huh. Yeah, that sounds pretty much like what I was doing. I'm not sure why the forest specifically would cause a crash though? The only crash I ever got this way was if I had an animal in the FarmAnimals file that didn't have corresponding textures installed. I can imagine three possibilities though:
                                1. Typo somewhere in the animal name (check all the files ... capitalization and spacing matter, as I'm sure you've noticed). Also possible that you have some sort of name duplicate going on, either within your FarmAnimals file or within the namespace of the game (though I kinda doubt that naming an animal "Squirrel" or something akin to the critters would cause a crash since they're handled differently)
                                2. Something went wrong when you were copying lines and moving stuff around that made the code in the .yaml unreadable. Check to make sure your syntax didn't get broken, no extra characters/text wound up anywhere, all your line endings are intact, etc. I'd compare your FarmAnimals file with a "clean" version to help your eye catch it.
                                3. Something went wrong with the save editing, which is more likely to affect stuff outside of the barn animals scope (like that forest crash)

                                So yeah. I'd just go over your edits to try to find what went wrong. Also, I'd definitely read the Stardew Valley crash log. Helps a lot.
                                • Ankou

                                  Ankou Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  Thank you so much for your help and advice!
                                  It does help just hearing "yeah, that's basically what I'm doing" and gave me some ideas of other things to mess around with since I'd already checked capitalization and spacing. Looking at the crash log, I could only assume the problem was in the FarmAnimals.yaml, which looked right on my end.

                                  So I tried a different text editor and it worked.
                                  I was using Notepad++, which I can only assume was doing something to the syntax that I couldn't see due to how it formats things. Using Textpad everything worked.
                                  Anyway, thought I should go ahead and post my solution here in case anyone was stuck beating their head against the same wall.

                                  Also while I'm posting, I really like the tool you made to allow breed editing outside the save file. It's much appreciated and works reasonable well.
                                  • Lavapulse

                                    Lavapulse Phantasmal Quasar

                                    No problem. Glad I could actually help. It sounds like for some reason, your Notepad++ setup was saving your edited .yaml in the wrong format (.yaml vs .txt vs .rtf) or encoding (ex: the different versions of Unicode). There's certain characters that are invisible once rendered (like linebreaks ... which get generated when you press "Enter" or "Return") that vary between operating systems and encodings. If the files look exactly the same when you open them up, I'm guessing the difference is something invisible like that.

                                    Also, I'm glad the tool's working for you!
                                      Ankou likes this.
                                    • Lavapulse

                                      Lavapulse Phantasmal Quasar

                                      Coming soon:
                                      Blue Ameraucana chicken... with added blue eggs! Custom animal products! Tested in-game, works with cooking and shipping and everything. Doesn't override either existing chicken egg color.
                                      • Morichinatsu

                                        Morichinatsu Space Spelunker

                                        Ahhh barred rocks thank you so much!! <3 I will love them forever <3333
                                        • spiritslive99

                                          spiritslive99 Void-Bound Voyager

                                          So this looks really cool, but I'm a bit confused!! How many files are we supposed to be editing? The first post mentions a FarmAnimals file and the save file in general, and then three xnb files- is installing those just as easy as dragging them into the folder? Sorry if these questions are dumb, but I'd like to figure these out cause dang these chickens are cute! (Also, I can't use the tool due to being on a Mac- I pretty much have to do this manually.)

                                          EDIT: So I see the zip has an included FarmAnimals.xnb file- do I just overwrite the default one with it? What if we have nondefault animals from another mod- how do I make them all show up?

                                          EDIT II: So I decided to risk crashing my game- but I figured it out and it works great! The only question I have now is the same one above: there can only be one FarmAnimals.xnb file, so how do we make it include all of the animals we want? (That is, not just the ones from this mod but ones from other nondefault mods too, if that makes any sense?) Thank you!
                                            Last edited: Apr 10, 2016

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