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Bug/Issue "No Suitable Graphics Card" Error?

Discussion in 'Support' started by nolliemai, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. Wisdo101

    Wisdo101 Intergalactic Tourist

    I tried end Steam.exe then opening Stardew Valley but it still starts up when I try starting the game up then I get the 'no suitable graphics' problem
    • MilkyMeadows

      MilkyMeadows Space Spelunker

      Yeah... ummm... I did that, and the game opens and everything- but its SO SLOW... like- I can't even do anything. I've exited all my other running things and stuff, but its actually making me mad. I have the "No suitable graphics card" error, and nothing I try works, apart from that- but its too slow/laggy... I feel like i'm either going to have to get a refund, or wait for the game to update so I can play it.
      • MilkyMeadows

        MilkyMeadows Space Spelunker

        I tried looking for my "Preferred Graphics Processor" but I don't have that...??
        • demonsamura

          demonsamura Master Chief

          It only lags for me when it rains and i have a pretty terrible computer.
          • Icyblue

            Icyblue Void-Bound Voyager

            Mahalo to the user that aided in our attempts. And so far its made the game run fine for me since, aside from Demonsamurai's mention of rain chugging the game just a little. Though once I'm indoors the lag ceases. However the logo remains.

            If it's relevant at all; I'm using the GOG version.
            • ryankey721

              ryankey721 Void-Bound Voyager

              Had the same issue with XNA HiDef and the .dll download with the watermarked logo fixed it. I was almost worried that I couldn't play Stardew every available minute now that it's out.

              Thanks all! Also, stickying this would be awesome, as well as a solution to the watermark issue.
              • denafox

                denafox Subatomic Cosmonaut

                Hey! This error will be fix in future update? Please, answer
                • denafox

                  denafox Subatomic Cosmonaut

                • denafox

                  denafox Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  This fix, developer try it

                    Attached Files:

                  • Captainstrife

                    Captainstrife Space Hobo

                    During the 30h I've managed to play of this game it has crashed around 10 times with this same issue. It's starting to get unplayable as it crashes more often than I can play it :(
                    I really wish a fix could get released soon because I love this game!
                    • denafox

                      denafox Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      Developer, please, fix this error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
                      • mbiernat

                        mbiernat Yeah, You!

                        I have tried all the step outlined here: http://stardewvalleywiki.com/Linux#Running_Stardew_Valley_in_Wine for a Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa install on two computers (Acer and Asus), both I have used for gaming in the past with no issues. With StarDew Valley I get the error mentioned above. That is, 'could not find a direct3D device..."

                        I have read up on this: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36789
                        I tried the above video.
                        Is there anything else I can do?
                        Would another distro help or is more related to my computers (both relatively modern)?
                        • Davoodinator

                          Davoodinator Void-Bound Voyager

                          this solution looks really simple; then all you need to do is warn people that they might see weird stuff if they load the game on a toaster.

                          it looks like there is a link to learn more about it. i guess a simple search would solve that. posting text instead of screencap might be better though.

                          edit: found where you got this from:

                          • Davoodinator

                            Davoodinator Void-Bound Voyager


                            that led me to think. maybe the dev doesn't want to use weird DLL files. I diss assembled it , and it seemed fine but who knows. after looking at the calls it makes. it seems to be very interested in not the xna graphics dll. but the actual framework DLL itself.

                            going there I can see a few references to:


                            so i tried to figure out how this was linked, and it seemed to call back further. anyways if someone can figure out how to hex edit "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll" to ignore the compatibility check, we will have it working for everyone even if it is buggy as heck.
                            • Davoodinator

                              Davoodinator Void-Bound Voyager

                            • Davoodinator

                              Davoodinator Void-Bound Voyager

                            • Game4Eternity

                              Game4Eternity Space Hobo

                              Is there a way to compile an alternate version using the Reach function with lower rendering for users experiencing this problem? If you could; would it still function at all or would you need to do massive amounts or re-coding?
                              • denafox

                                denafox Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                Please, fix this problem. Not ingnore us! Why you dont ask!!!
                                • denafox

                                  denafox Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                  • denafox

                                    denafox Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    Помогите! Help!

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