My current playthrough is on Spring 26 Year 2 and I have not had a day of rain. Is this an issue? Can it be fixed without restarting my playthrough?
Rain happens randomly, it varies through playthroughs so no point in restarting. You'll get rain one day, just seems like forever.
At the time, never, I was looking in the save file to see if I could edit the probability but in the end it rained in the summer of the second year. It was really just a loooong time. It did not effect snow fall though.
I've had three days of rain in a row, and I've gone an entire summer without any rain at all. It is entirely random. There is a rain totem which apparently increases the likelihood.
It was early enough in the game not to have the materials for the totem, but I also looked up the stats and it increases the chances but slightly. Since I had no rain at all I thought it might be a bug.