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Resolved Nintendo Switch: Blocked into bed by Gate without axe.

Discussion in 'Support' started by staplesauce, Mar 17, 2019.

  1. staplesauce

    staplesauce Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey there,

    I am an idiot and somehow managed to plop down a gate in front of my bed before sleeping. I am now stuck in my bed while my axe is in the chest out of reach. I only have a watering can, a sword, and more fencing in my inventory. I can't seem to get by it or knock it down with what I have.
    I've searched and found some similar threads to this one, but nobody seems to have a solution. One guy managed to wiggle past it, and several claim to be able to knock it down with a pickaxe (which is being upgraded right now) or another item.
    I've attached a screenshot.

    Anyone encountered this before?

      Attached Files:

    • Jibby

      Jibby Yeah, You!

      Do you have Switch Online? You could see if there's an old cloud save on the server you can download.
      • staplesauce

        staplesauce Void-Bound Voyager

        Unfortunately no ☹️
        • SSShakuras

          SSShakuras Big Damn Hero

          I'm not sure how Switch control works, but can you place wood log above and below the gate to "change" it to it's full form so you can open it ?
          • staplesauce

            staplesauce Void-Bound Voyager

            That totally just worked! I didn't realize I had room on both sides to place posts. Thank you so much!

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