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RELEASED Nightar Race 0.3.4

Adds the Nightars, or "The Knights of the Night" as a custom race!

  1. SharpDevastator

    SharpDevastator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    when I download the mod I only get two png-files in the rar
  2. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    Are your sure? I just tried downloading it and it was fine..
  3. SharpDevastator

    SharpDevastator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i just tried again... strange is... the rar is 10MB and the only files I see are "femalebody.png" and "malebody.png"
  4. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    glad to see you updated it. from what you said i assumed it was orphaned. roughly 80% of my builds contain at least two or more nightar items/blocks not to mention several nightar characters.
  5. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    checked rar, folders show up for me haven't checked further than that.
  6. Lutor2712

    Lutor2712 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi! I'm a fan of this awesome mod! I just downloaded the latest version of this mod but when I try to open it, it says "file damaged". Could you please fix it? I would really like to play this mod again on the 1.3 Starbound! Thanks!
  7. iMisterX

    iMisterX Phantasmal Quasar

    I can't fix it if i can't reproduce it. I tried downloading and unzipping it, and I didn't fine any issues.
  8. Lutor2712

    Lutor2712 Void-Bound Voyager

    Are you using Winrar or 7zip? Because I downloaded it again and it's still telling me that "is either unknown format or damaged file". :/
  9. valkirie

    valkirie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I had the same problem with not beeing able to open the archive.I updated 7zip and I was able to open it.
  10. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    no problems unzipping it using 7zip, winrar sux. not only does winrar fail to open several file types that 7zip handles easily, but 7zip is free.
    google for 7zip to find it.
  11. dualinfinities

    dualinfinities Pangalactic Porcupine

    yo MisterX, I pretty much only play as a Nightar nowadays, so I'm thinking I might take over this mod since nobody has offered to yet to my knowledge. I'd want to overhaul the lore and things related to it in that case, you okay with that?
    AbsoluteXeroEX likes this.
  12. Nightmer murder

    Nightmer murder Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    please help me. i can't turn on mission with boss. how do it?
  13. LegendXCarisso

    LegendXCarisso Pangalactic Porcupine

    Seems like there's a bug in the system... I know the mod is probably more-or-less dead, but in-case anyone decides to update...

    [02:54:47.624] [Error] Could not apply patch from file /npcs/friendlyguard.npctype.patch in source: ..\mods\NightarMod. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) Tried to get key 'nightar' in non-object type in pathApply("/scriptConfig/dialog/hail/nightar")
  14. Curtiola

    Curtiola Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This mod crashes my game on start up.
    No idea which of my other mods it's conflicting with, but it's probably FU.

    Frackin Universe
    Frackin Races
    Frackin Music
    Frackin Interface
    FU BYOS Modded Race Patch
    More Planet Info
    Return to Earth
    Challenge Accepted
    Tabula Rasa
    Magic Labels
    Armor Augments
    One Handed Torch
    Ultra Techs
    Food Stack
    Enhanced Storage
    Reduced Fall Damage (1/3)
    XS Mech
    Fenerox Race
    bk3k Techs
    bk3k Inventory
    Elithian Races
    Avali Triage Race
    Draconis Race
    Argonian Race
    Eevee Race
    Ningen Race
    Lucario Race
    Viera Race
    Bunnykin Race
    Felin Race
    FU Felin Addon
    Field Generator
    Startech Themed 2.0
    Pixel Goods Store
    Fixel Goods Store
    Useful Pets
    Sellable Throwing Items
    Enhanced Matter Manipulator
    Improved Defense Turrets
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2019
  15. AbsoluteXeroEX

    AbsoluteXeroEX Phantasmal Quasar

    It's Frackin' Universe; Sayter incorporated this mod into the FU compendium, so any duplicate assets are going to be overridden. I've taken over development of the vanilla aspect though. I had it up for a bit, but I took it down pending a complete overhaul of everything from the ground up, but I've got a major update in the works, so stay tuned!
    Curtiola likes this.
  16. Bewitchery

    Bewitchery Space Hobo

    Hello, new player here!

    I was just wondering if it was possible to get that dark block with the white outline around it in this current mod. Thanks in advance :)
  17. AbsoluteXeroEX

    AbsoluteXeroEX Phantasmal Quasar

    Hello! I sincerely apologize for the late reply, but which block are you referring to?

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