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Bug/Issue Night market submarine

Discussion in 'Support' started by marcabcon, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. marcabcon

    marcabcon Intergalactic Tourist

    Hello guys! I bought the physical copy of Stardew Valley for Nintendo switch and everything was okay until in the winter of the second year, during the night market I try to use the submarine and the game crashes and close.

    Does this happen to anyone else? I need some fish from the bottom to finish my bundles but it crashes every single time.

    Help please!
    • KevinPaul06

      KevinPaul06 Yeah, You!

      +1 to this issue. I bough the collector's edition too. The game crash every time the submarine was about to hit the bottom.
      • Retro Lucky

        Retro Lucky Orbital Explorer

        I also bought the CE on Switch and this happened on any year on any save for me too

        The mermaid show also would not start

        It's weird, but I was hosting a game and my friend had no issues (they have digital version bought on the NA shop)
        • Starrienite

          Starrienite Orbital Explorer

          WhatsApp Image 2019-04-10 at 12.59.54 PM.jpeg

          I am currently in Year 3, first day of Night Market (I just skip night market for the first 2 years since I couldn't fish in Submarine nor get the pearl from mermaid show). The game closed again when the submarine went down.

          When I went to the mermaid boat, the mermaid show did not start even though I went in and out or stayed in the boat for long time.
          • cesar_otoniel

            cesar_otoniel Intergalactic Tourist

            Same thing happened to me in the Japanese collectors edition. Not only that but I cannot access the Pearl and the mermaid music show and the arcade mini game stopped working as well (it used to be fine) all of that in single player mode.
            • Nickky_Nic

              Nickky_Nic Space Hobo

              Same has been happening fo me as well.
              I also bought the collector's edition for the Switch.

              Couldn't access the mermaid show too or get the pearl from the sequence as it won't trigger.
              • kilokatt

                kilokatt Intergalactic Tourist

                Same issues here as well.

                Physical collector's edition cartridge crashing when submarine hits the bottom and mermaid show will not start at all.
                • Orson Zedd

                  Orson Zedd Aquatic Astronaut

                  I'm having the same issue; Physical copy, can't see the Mermaid's song, can't reach the seafloor. Is a patch being worked on?
                  • Shubeans

                    Shubeans QA Wizard Chucklefish

                    Hey guys,
                    thank you for reporting this over.

                    The issue has been flagged and sent over to the developers.
                    Hopefully we'll have a fix soon, I'm really sorry about the delay to this, thank you for your patience with us!
                    • cesar_otoniel

                      cesar_otoniel Intergalactic Tourist

                      I do appreciate the attention to support the product. I really love this game and stopped playing completely after I found this bug.
                      • Retro Lucky

                        Retro Lucky Orbital Explorer

                        Hopefully it'll come before 1.4 update which adds fish ponds
                        • Orson Zedd

                          Orson Zedd Aquatic Astronaut

                          I saw that the switch version was updated back on the 9th. I looked through the unofficial update notes but I wanted to see if the mermaid show and deep sea fishing errors had been corrected?
                          • Retro Lucky

                            Retro Lucky Orbital Explorer

                            I checked tonight and still nothing new for Switch, it's still on 1.3.33
                            • Orson Zedd

                              Orson Zedd Aquatic Astronaut

                              I was wanting to play again but doing so bn is really contingent on this bug getting fixed. Is it?

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