Modding Discussion New Updates and how it affects you!

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by severedskullz, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. www. is the official wiki for starbound. I highly doubt it will help. We have people on here that dont even read the entire threads. They just say "I dont know if this has been asked before but... " and ask away. If people dont even check things like that, or for duplicate topics, I absolutely doubt they will be self-reliant enough to go to the wiki.
    NerArth likes this.
  2. NerArth

    NerArth Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm aware of this. Just doing the changelog for my mod's last patch must have taken like an hour.

    That is a lot of time, I know. I wasn't demanding that they did it though, I just wished they did do it. A person can dream :p
  3. Harag

    Harag Void-Bound Voyager

    That's one job a source code management tool can do for you ;) Any such tool has a feature to show a chronological list of changes that you have previously commited. You don't need a server for that. DVCS tools like Git and Mercurial can do that locally.
    NerArth likes this.
  4. MasterSaturday

    MasterSaturday Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah, excellent, it works now. Thank you - I didn't realize there was a thread about this already. I will check more thoroughly next time before jumping to posting.
  5. AnarchistTheory

    AnarchistTheory Master Chief

    Not exactly sure what this means...if anyone could help out that'd be great..

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[glowfleurdelis277712, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'glowfleurdelis277712'
      0059B57A starbound_opengl.exe
      0059B9C8 starbound_opengl.exe
      0059CD10 starbound_opengl.exe
      0059D0B7 starbound_opengl.exe
      005D2486 starbound_opengl.exe
      004FB50E starbound_opengl.exe
      0040494C starbound_opengl.exe
      0097FC8C starbound_opengl.exe
      764F336A KERNEL32.dll
      77759F72 ntdll.dll
      77759F45 ntdll.dll
  6. Your item doesn't exist. What's with the random numbers behind the item name?
    HawkFareye likes this.
  7. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

    Does anyone know if it is now possible to remove an item from a mod without breaking character files that may have that item associated with it?
  8. If you do, you will just get a Perfectly Generic Item as a result... so go for it.
    arrjaytea likes this.
  9. arrjaytea

    arrjaytea Sandwich Man

    I think I'm good with that. The issue is myself and another modder have used the same name for similar armor sets, and frankly, hers are better.

    So I'm thinking of removing mine, but I don't want folks to suddenly experience the disappearing character issue. I'll obviously test myself, just wanted to see if there's anything remotely close to a "best practice" notion for going about this yet.
  10. AnarchistTheory

    AnarchistTheory Master Chief

    Profile ID for the forums. What do you mean it doesn't exist though, does that have to do with missing files or...?
  11. It doesnt exist as in... it does not exist. Either you did not properly spell the name of the item correctly in your recipe file, or your item's name does not match.
    AnarchistTheory likes this.
  12. AnarchistTheory

    AnarchistTheory Master Chief

    Well thanks, finally figured out what I did!

    I didn't add the .object extension to one of the files... boy that'll make you feel stupid.
    NerArth and severedskullz like this.
  13. NerArth

    NerArth Pangalactic Porcupine

    I always copy a file of the same type even if it's one that has nothing to do content-wise; that way I never have problems with extensions.
    AnarchistTheory likes this.
  14. HawkFareye

    HawkFareye Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I had this issue, it turned out to be a extra accidental space behind my file extension .sword it looked like this:
    "tungstensword.sword "

    But I was unable to see it until I rewrote the file name. So if your having a similar issue check that as well!
  15. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Dude... this thread was from 6 months ago.
  16. HawkFareye

    HawkFareye Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And? Looking at this thread helped me narrow down my problem, so if anyone else looks why not offer my personal experience?
    coolcat99 and lornlynx like this.
  17. coolcat99

    coolcat99 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    • Necromancy. Replying to old threads is fine as long as the replies contribute to the discussion further. Posting about how old a thread is or that the thread was necro'd is not fine and does not contribute to the discussion further.
    -The Rules
    Crystan and HawkFareye like this.
  18. scripper?2002

    scripper?2002 Void-Bound Voyager

    hi guys, i hav the same error aucured by my own mode
    [13:46:37.543] [Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (ObjectException) Error loading object '/objects/wired/SRP_radio/SRP_radio_bass_bomber.object': (JsonException) Improper conversion to bool from string

    i look closer but the name of the file is right and the code is right to

    so i dont what is wrong
  19. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    @scripper?2002 This thread is over 10 years old. Necroposts are only allowed if you remain on topic and the topic is still relevant. This thread is so old that none of the information here means much to current Starbound. Please make a new thread to ask for help.
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