New Stardew Valley Forum: Seeking Moderators and Active Members.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Abiicias, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. Abiicias

    Abiicias Space Hobo

    Hello everyone, my name is Abiicias and I am here on behalf of someone wanting to create a new forum.

    The owner goes by the name of "Silentdream" and during his time playing Stardew Valley he found the community a bit lacking and took it upon himself to create a new forum hoping to see a lift in active and friendly players to share their work and just enjoy the game as a whole.

    You are probably asking, "Why go to a new forum that's hardly even started when I can stay here and get my answers or responses faster?" Well yes for self purpose posts, but the new forum is for people wanting something a bit "new" and maybe even have the satisfaction of assisting and watching something grow with the game we all love as the central foundation. So really, we are only looking for people who want to engage with the community more than what is normally seen through the more larger forums, but again, the forum is very new and only a few posts are actually there. Over time, however, it will grow with everyone's help.

    If you are interested in joining the forum, visit and signing up is as simple as just signing in with Steam.

    Thank you all for reading and if there is an issue with this post being made I apologize in advance seeing I didn't see any rules saying anything as such as this was not allowed to be made.
      Alkanthe and Silentdream like this.
    • ThePineappleWarlord

      ThePineappleWarlord Title Not Found

      Sounds interesting! For sure, I'll look into it.
      • ZeroMGA

        ZeroMGA Industrial Terraformer

        Not sure what can be found lacking here. Lots of discussion, lots of friendly interaction, a healthy modding community, and direct updates from the creator.
          Jerev, Jaed and Borodin like this.

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