Hey Stardew-Lovers! I want to share some of my shirts and two skirts with you. Lets start with the Shirts: These shirts dont replace any of the vanilla shirts! 113-126 are inspired by the Npc's. (Alex,Emily,Harvey,2xMaru,Sebastian,3xAbigail,2xLeah,2xHaley & Sandy) The other ones are just made by my fantasy. Except Shirt Nr 156! (Original from RuneNL) Installation instructions: Download the mod Extract the archive Go to Stardew Valley/Content/Characters/Farmer Replace the shirts.xnb file with the provided Remember to make a backup of your files! And here are the Skirts: (You already can see them above [Nr. 149&150]) You need Smapi and get dressed to use this skirts! Download SMAPI Here Download Get dressed Here I took the updated version of get dressed from this awesome dude → Pathoschild and edited it in there. Installation instructions: If you havent downloaded the updated get dressed : Download the file ''Get Dressed-Skirts'' Extract the archive Go where you installed SMAPI Place the Get dressed folder in your Mod folder Installation instructions: If you already updated your get dressed or you want to mix the skirts for example. Download the file ''female_bottoms'' Go where you installed SMAPI Replace the female_bottoms with the downloaded one (In your Mods/Get dressed folder) Open the config.json (for example with Notepad++) Change "FemaleBottomsTypes": 12, to "FemaleBottomsTypes": 14, You need to do this step if you install it your own - otherwise you dont have the original skirts from get dressed! (The skirts will replace 2 of them if you dont change it!) I hope you like it. Please leave a comment with your feedback or requests! Also please text me if you find a bug!
Small problem with the shirts: I think you unintentionally cut off a line of pixels at the bottom of the line of shirts just before your added ones (12 of the 16 shirts, to be exact, are missing a line of pixels at the bottom). Only noticed because I like combining mods that add options (such as shirts, hairs, etc.).
Hi there! Thank you for making this Get Dressed compatible! I've updated the OP for Get Dressed and the Nexus post with Pathoschild's latest update so everything should be up to date on Get Dressed's end. (If you feel like removing "outdated" from places referencing it, ty!)
@alicedafox I'm not at all savvy on mods, but is it possible that your sprite sheet is off? I downloaded just the shirts.xnb and noticed that even vanilla shirts were off now. When I reverted back to vanilla, it was fine. See the difference in the arms and shoulders? I noticed several shirts sat just slightly off like this, not just vanilla, and not just your new ones.
I took a look at her (freshly downloaded) shirts file and everything looks fine in the spritesheet. This actually seems like an issue with Get Dressed (or the game itself); if you're using Get Dressed, simply change your bottoms and then change them back and it should update and fix the shirts. EDIT: Probably an issue with the game, since this happens even when I use the vanilla way (shrine at the wizard's tower) with my own shirts file I've added a number of shirt mods to; maybe because there are more shirts than vanilla? I don't really know, but doing the above with Get Dressed (changing and changing back your bottoms) fixes this issue, at least temporarily.
I'm not using Get Dressed though. At all. I only downloaded the shirts.xnb for that reason! So it must be something in the game.
Hi, I've been trying to use both your Mod and Get Dressed, and neither are currently working for Mac vs, it seems. The C button function does not allow for any of the Get Dressed features. It only changes the skin tone when attempting to change the bottoms or face. Is this user error or does this Mod not currently work for Mac? Thanks! -B