Race New Playable Race Idea: The Orei (aka The Crystalline)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Xamerzan, Dec 30, 2013.


Would you like to see this race implemented into Starbound?

  1. Yes! I would enjoy this very much!

    29 vote(s)
  2. Maybe, with a few changes.

    16 vote(s)
  3. I don't care either way.

    6 vote(s)
  1. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    There will be more to come soon! Real life is biting me very hard in the butt at the moment, but I'll finish the female templates as soon as I can. Will post when updated!
    Medkit likes this.
  2. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    It's been 4 months since my last update... this post is just to show that I haven't abandoned the post, just been dealing with RL stuff hardcore. Rest assured that I'll have the female 'Shaleth' sprites as soon as I finish them. For now, check out the minor update I've placed! I hope the new name is better than 'Orei'.
  3. Boneslord

    Boneslord Big Damn Hero

    Also no offense but wrong page, it should be in the NPC page, but still I love this character!
  4. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    None taken. But I do believe I put this on the right page only because I intended this race to be playable by players. Sure there'll be a few Shaleth NPCs that you can find and interact with, but that wasn't my main focus when I created this. I do thank you for trying to look out for the community and its organization though. =)
  5. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    im all for different races i want as many as possible my only suggestion is maybe try to make them less novakid...y give them a more unique head is what im getting at they are crystal people right maybe a more spike shaped head would work like a stalagmite?
  6. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    On first look, I thought these guys were made of some sort of gel before reading the description.
  7. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    Well, crystals are sometimes naturally polished... I can see why you thought they were gel instead of crystalline.

    These are just examples. Anything that's final may likely look far different than what's shown here. I had hoped that what I made here was somewhat crystalline, but I may have to look over it once more.
  8. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i mean no disrespect i just feel like they look too similar however that just my opinion no need to take it seriously.
  9. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    It's no big deal, really. I'm actually thankful that you pointed it out. I doubt there's much I can do to fix it, but I'll see if there's anything I can do.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
  10. ProkhorVLG

    ProkhorVLG Existential Complex

    Well, if you want some advice, I'd make them a have a small degree of transparency, and maybe distinct joints (if they are hard creatures, I imagine it would be difficult to move the joints without gaps in the rock.) Up to you though. It's really hard to do these details in pixel art, but very satisfying if made correctly.
  11. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    I thought about doing that for them... and that was a mistake, I meant that message to be for ObsidianDragon13. Thank you for the input anyway though. =)
  12. extremist

    extremist Existential Complex

    Those look awesome! The story is great too, very good job. :DD
    Considering I finished a graphic design school and worked with photoshop for 3 years I still can't draw for nuts.. You've got talent! :love:
  13. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank you very much! I certainly try my best when it comes to art. I can't seem to work with Photoshop myself, though maybe I should pick it up and try to work with it. Perhaps you should show your work sometime as well, I always like to see other peoples work usually to help with my own inspiration when I have my off-days (which lately I've had a lot of =P) and I can offer tips and tricks with what little knowledge I have.;)
  14. extremist

    extremist Existential Complex

    I'm on other forums as well and signatures are a big thing there, there is a bunch who never even been in touch with photoshop and with youtube and yahoo answers they've gotten pretty damn good, so yeah, it's just a matter of a bit curiosity and motivation. :giggle:
  15. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    Sorry for not updating this post, guys... I've been very busy, what with finding work, playing other games with friends... hopefully I'll be able to pick this up again in the very near future with more stuff to speak of.
  16. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    Since the announcement of the big upcoming update on Starbound, I have since taken up this forum post again. While I don't currently have any new works to show at this time, I will endeavor to have something new before the end of next year. Given my inconsistency, I cannot give you a date or time in which you can expect new updates on this post, but keep an eye out. I fully intend to have something new sometime next year if not a few days sooner.
  17. megatiger78

    megatiger78 Void-Bound Voyager

    yes. this is a good idea
  18. Xamerzan

    Xamerzan Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm sorry I haven't added anything new to this post (in a VERY long time). Real life and other projects have been getting in the way. I'll hopefully have something new for this race before Christmas, but I offer no promises. :p
  19. TaterChipp007

    TaterChipp007 Master Chief

    This is awesome.

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