WIP New mineral sprites done.Need help adding into game!

Discussion in 'Mods' started by tj724, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. tj724

    tj724 Guest

    This will be my first mod for Stardew Valley.I have not enjoyed a computer game this much since the Original Sims.I have a lifetime membership with Picmonkey photo editor and I made these sprites for new minerals that were not in the game.Sapphire,Garnet,and Peridot are birthstones,so it surprised me that they were not in the original mineral content.Some of the minerals in game are either worthless,fictional or very unpopular.I only need help with adding these into the game.I'm willing to give equal credits to anyone willing to help.This is the work I have finished.Feedback,advice,help or requests please post.

      Attached Files:

    • MoonlitBrenya

      MoonlitBrenya Existential Complex

      Unfortunately, I have not delved into this type of mod making, so I can't help. But I do look forward to it becoming a thing.might be possible to just swap them out with some of the agreeably useless other minerals. Then would have to find a way to recode the names... Shouldn't be a hard mod, just not something I am familiar with. Best of luck, keeping an eye on this one. The sprites look great.
        Cemo and tj724 like this.
      • tj724

        tj724 Guest

        Thank you very much! I know how to do texting changes to objectinformation.xnb .I have already edited names,prices etc.The only thing I'm missing is being able to pull up and edit each object's png.It's just nowhere to be found.I added a new crops mod from here so it has been done before.If only I could get the advice from them.I would be making all kinds of new content.I would love to do recipes but getting them on the menu via Queen of Sauce isn't very easy(so I've heard) I hope to have this mineral project released soon.
        • TheRaven81

          TheRaven81 Pangalactic Porcupine

          the file where you find the images for the minerals, among other things, is in the "springobjects.xnb", in the Maps folder.
          • Coolwyngs

            Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

            looks nice I hope you can make it work.

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