Last Updated: [03/21/2017] Current Version: [v1.0] I've stopped modding SDV for the moment. 13akoors has graciously offered to maintain the mod in my stead. At the moment, the current up-to-date version of this map can be found here: Hey guys! I've been working hard at trying to make some new maps for the last few days, and I've got something functional enough to release now - a jungle temple: ========================== At the moment, the exterior is completed, and a basic interior with a few rooms has been started. I plan on doing more of course, that's just what's done at the moment. You can find the entrance at the back of the Secret Forest, behind the ruins and statue (north of the small pond). NOTE: This mod *may* be incompatible with other mods that edit the Secret Forest. I've only tested it with Tego's Stardew Expansion, which *is* compatible. I don't know of any other mods that edit the Secret Forest, so if you find an incompatible mod, let me know and I'll see about maybe getting a patch made! REQUIREMENTS: - Advanced Location Loader (and all of it's requirements). *Made for v1.8 of SMAPI and v1.2 of ALL. I will try to keep it up to date with any updates to either of those things, just know that if I don't then it might not work anymore! This mod WILL NOT WORK with the nightly build (the v1.2 beta update). Once it is fully released I will update this mod to it, but until then this mod will only work with v1.11 of SDV. Download: Nexus Mirror: Changelog: v1.0: - Added three new rooms - a junction room, and two side rooms (left and right). - Overhauled the temple interior room quite a lot. Also some minor tweaks and fixes to the temple exterior. - Added requirements for entering each new room activate the tablet with the glowing red runes on it to learn more! *GINORMOUS thankyouthankyouthankyou's to both Entoarox and Androxilogin for helping me figure out how to set this up correctly!!! v0.5 Beta: - Fixed the foliage not showing up (bushes, rocks, etc.). HUGE thanks to Entoarox for helping me fix this! v0.4 Beta: - Fixed a boo-boo in the code that caused all my new locations and edits to not show up (god I hate javascript). v0.3 Beta: - Fixed the bug that was causing the player to enter the Secret Woods map at the center (still no clue what was causing this). v0.2 Beta: - Accidentally put in "Sewer.xnb" instead of "SewerTiles.xnb" (my bad). I put the right one in this time. v0.1 Beta: - Initial Release.
Oh wow, this is amazing. This is exactly the kind of mysterious late game exploration content I'd be hoping to uncover in Stardew. I'm super excited to see you do more with this! What you've done right now look pretty awesome, though.
Clever, this is just the sort of thing I'd like to see in place of the Calico Desert-- a sort of overgrown jungle or bayou.
You are missing the SewerTiles.xnb in your folder, you should update the mod with it! ALSO, you need to change the entry warp of the secret forest because when you enter it, the spawn point is in the middle of the map. Other than that, it looks great, I especially love what you've done with the secret forest, it looks gorgeous! Great job! (I should start working with ALL as well, nyeheheheheheh)
You're right, I screwed up and put in "Sewer" instead of "SewerTiles" (I was very tired last night when I posted this). That being said, I didn't crash without it, so are you sure it's needed...? As for the warp point of the secret forest being the center... I have no idea how that could be related to my mod. I ran there like 50+ times while making this to test it, and I always spawned in the normal spot... I suppose it could be due to the fact that I have another ALL mod that edits the Secret Forest that's resetting the spawn to the proper location, though (I had some trouble editing that map, since I had to do it in tIDLE instead of Tiled because of an error message I got when trying to re-open my edited map file into tIDLE). I'll look into this. EDIT: Yep, the edits from Tego's Woods.xbm file were setting the spawn location back to the right place for me. I wonder why it got screwed up... I didn't touch the map properties. :/
I got an error on SMAPI that the "SewerTiles.xnb" file was missing, so I suppose it is relevant. And you already know about the spawn location, no need to say anything more
Gimme half a second lol to post the update. n.nU EDIT: Ok, NOW it's uploaded (see the OP). I am looking into the issue with the warp point being moved to the center of the Secret Forest at the moment, but I at least put the right file in the archive for now. :]
Hmm, ok it looks like Tego probably ran into the same issue with the warp point reset that I'm getting, since he actually replaced the vanilla warp points with ones controlled by Advanced Location Loader (which explains why his fix was working even with my map edits being merged with his). Fortunately this means I can just copy what he did to fix the issue. Gimme a few mins. :]
Update released: v0.3 Beta: - Fixed the bug that was causing the player to enter the Secret Woods map at the center (still no clue what was causing this).
i would love to try this but im not sure if i downloaded it in the wrong place but im not finding anything in the secret woods, just the usual stumps, monsters and pond? i not got another mod for the wood and i got all entorax etc for my current mods. help i must be doimg something wrong
Which mod do you have that is editing the Secret Woods? As I said in the OP, I only tested this with one other mod that edited the Secret Woods, and it's quite possible that a patch needs to be made for other mods. Also map edits for the Secret Woods shouldn't be a problem so long as they're not an Advanced Location Loader mod (i.e. overwriting the base game file found in "Content/Maps" shouldn't matter).
Ok i will have a look there i dont think i have another map mod but i have that many mods i could be wrong lol
You made sure to install all of the prerequisites for this map mod, yes? SMAPI mods go into the "Stardew Valley/Mods/" folder, and my mod specifically goes to: "Stardew Valley/Mods/AdvancedLocationLoader/locations/JungleTemple".
Damnit. Ok so apparently my attempted fix to the "warp to center of map" bug caused the Secret Forest to revert to their vanilla form... for some reason. I'm trying to fix it now. =.= EDIT: Looks like I made a boo-boo in the code (god I hate javascript). Hang on.
Ulithium_Dragon updated New Map: Jungle Temple with a new update entry: Accidentally broke... Fixed now. Read the rest of this update entry...
Ok I fixed the mod *again*, sorry about that guys. v0.4 Beta: - Fixed a boo-boo in the code that caused all my new locations and edits to not show up (god I hate javascript). Everything should be working correctly now. If you find any other bugs, please let me know!
Ulithium_Dragon updated New Map: Jungle Temple with a new update entry: Fixed Foliage! Read the rest of this update entry...
Update released: v0.5 Beta: - Fixed the foliage not showing up (bushes, rocks, etc.). HUGE thanks to Entoarox for helping me fix this! - Some work was done on the interior map (just a bit - mostly just custom cosmetics tiles made to better blend the colors).