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New Interview - May 24th

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Alvin Flummox, May 27, 2012.

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  1. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    I thought I had better post this for anybody that hadn't seen it, it has a few minute new details!
    1. The Start
      • 'Starbound's story-driven, planet-hopping adventure kicks off as you narrowly avoid being destroyed alongside your doomed homeworld. Set adrift in the cosmos, you crash into an abandoned space station, which soon becomes a central hub for exploring the galaxy. "Players will be tasked with repairing this station and bringing it back to life whilst investigating those behind the homeworld attack," Brice explains.'
    2. The Ship
      • 'The station's facilities range [widely], from a medical center where players can purchase support items and rest up to a creature lab that allows players to buy monster-related equipment and store caught creatures,' notes Brice. 'There's even a bar, though the use of which is somewhat secret and not entirely safe. Starbound's station hub is also where you'll access social features and invite friends to play.'
    3. Item
      • 'The Kinetic Manipulator, for example, lets you rip huge chunks out of the terrain and hurl them around.'
    NotAnAnon, Breather, mrc and 7 others like this.
  2. Jääkäri

    Jääkäri Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks for posting this, much appreciated.
  3. Tom Baker

    Tom Baker Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for posting this here!
  4. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    No worries, I thought quite a few people might not have seen it :)
    NotAnAnon likes this.
  5. Joxalot

    Joxalot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm eager to see this Knetic Manipulator.
    Good job on highlighting this to us, I bet most people haven't seen these.
  6. xboy777

    xboy777 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm not even halfway through the page and I'm already dying of excitement at the details released :cry:
    Alvin Flummox likes this.
  7. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    The thing that blew my mind the most was that Tiy's real name was Finn.
    xboy777 likes this.
  8. xboy777

    xboy777 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Holy crap! Somehow I missed that. How lucky can you get? Even before Adventure Time that name is still awesome :iswydt:
  9. xboy777

    xboy777 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You should add the detail "...a creature lab that allows players to buy monster-related equipment and store caught creatures."

    And add this detail to the "Ship" note: Starbound's station hub is also where you'll access social features and invite friends to play.
  10. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    knetic manipulator? im gonna throw chunks of the terrain at bosses >: D or at the new guide if there will be one..
  11. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    Oop yeah I'd missed off the bit about the creature lab! Already had the bit about inviting friends though hehe ;)
    It was mentioned a couple of times for Terraria but I guess most people probably didn't know! :)
  12. Solum

    Solum Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm glad that you posted that, otherwise i'd surely have missed it.

    The Spaceship info is interesting! I'd like to visit that bar! :DD
    And the Kinetic manipulator....i wonder how strong it will be. Maybe you'll be able to cast great pieces of a planet into space and it'll become a new planet! :DD
    xboy777 and M C like this.
  13. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    yay for throwing all biomes together in a space-blender :rainbow:
    LastDay, xboy777 and Solum like this.
  14. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    No worries! Glad more people that haven't seen it yet are noticing it now that it's on the front page again hehe.
  15. xboy777

    xboy777 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh sorry I don't know how I missed that :rolleyes:
  16. Fuzions

    Fuzions Zero Gravity Genie

    Woah, that's awesome. And "The Kinetic Manipulator" immediately reminded me of this.
    xboy777 likes this.
  17. Solum

    Solum Cosmic Narwhal

    The Gravity gun? That, on the other hand, reminds me of this.
    M C, Alvin Flummox and xboy777 like this.
  18. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    OH MY GOSH! Your sig is EXACTLY how I reacted to this! :eek:
    xboy777 likes this.
  19. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    As seen in this interview: EPIC LINK TIME! Finn "Tiy" Brice, (yes, we now know his real name :devil:) has talked about quite a few new EPIC stuff. Here's some of the stuff he talked about.

    Kinetic Manipulator - This is basically gonna be the main tool for terraforming. Here's a direct quote from the interview: "The Kinetic Manipulator, for example, lets you rip huge chunks out of the terrain and hurl them around. While you can use it to terraform, it's also handy for harassing foes."

    The bar (can't wait to get drunk :giggle:) - The bar is gonna be on your main station, here's the quote from the interview: "There's even a bar, though the use of which is somewhat secret and not entirely safe."
    So we don't know the EXACT use for the bar. But I'm gonna guess there's gonna be npc's that have quests there.

    A bunch of other stuff - There's TONS of other stuff, the other two were just the thing that really stood out to me. Check out the EPIC LINK TIME! for all the other EPIC stuff. NOW DISCUSS! :DD
  20. LadyAijou

    LadyAijou Phantasmal Quasar

    The kinetic manipulator DELIGHTS ME. That's the kind of stuff that will make this game beyond amazing to play. Not just walking along with a pickaxe, no, we get a kinetic manipulator! Its just fun to say :rofl:
    Breather likes this.
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