New here and looking for people for a co-op game

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by mranderson611, Sep 9, 2018.

  1. mranderson611

    mranderson611 Poptop Tamer

    This game is kicking my behind because of time management, so I need some help. Contact me through Steam at mranderson611.
      Mom2Gamer likes this.
    • dreablair2093

      dreablair2093 Space Hobo

      I just sent you an invite! I used to play Stardew Valley a lot on the Switch. When I found out that they were offering a beta version on the PC, I bought the game again. (At least it's only $15!) I just started a forest-farm. Let me know if you are interested in joining my farm!
        mranderson611 and Mom2Gamer like this.
      • Mom2Gamer

        Mom2Gamer Phantasmal Quasar

        I sent you a friend request on Steam, if you are still looking for friends. I LOVE Stardew Valley and really enjoy playing multiplayer.

        A little about me: I've been playing Stardew Valley for quite a while now (I have over 700+ hours), but I'm new to Steam and new to the PC Version (keyboard works different so I just got a remote that works with my PC and now I'm set).

        So now, I officially have Stardew Valley on 3 systems. I didn't set-out to do that, I just morphed into having it that way. I had originally started playing on PS4, Switch was a gift (so I can bring it with me when I travel with my husband for his job from TX to MS), and Steam (my final acquisition) was so that I could have it on my PC and play multiplayer.
          Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
          mranderson611 likes this.

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