I recolor the friendship circles and make them become a bit brighter than the original version.Besides, i drew a Red Heart replace the original purple star(marrige) too. Color rating goes from Blue > Green > Yellow > Pink > Red > Red Heart The original version The new version The Screenshots: Download The xnb. file of the new version of friendship circles.(bottom of the thread) Remember put the file into steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Content/LooseSprites Another thread: (Recolor the Coops & Bath house and edit paintings) https://community.playstarbound.com...-edit-paintings-dec-2017.113109/#post-2867611
I am going to draw a Red Heart replace the original purple star(marrige) too. I will do it after work today
This made way better sense, otherwise, I feel like I am talking to an iridium Elliot or something....