RELEASED NEW: Free-to-edit WIPs. Crucifigo's Livestock: Semi-Realistic Animal Replacers

Discussion in 'Livestock' started by Crucifigo, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. Crucifigo

    Crucifigo Title Not Found

    helo i am snail pixel artist


    I am uploading this specific set of sprites I made for my Semi-Realistic Set V2 for anyone to edit and reupload as long as I'm credited for the original work. I can't get the animations right so I've basically given up. Too much hassle, not an animator.

    download my worksheet here

    Download new semi-realistic set here!

    if you find an error in one of the tilesheets, feel free to fix it and post that version here. i don't pop in very often so i probably won't have realized. if the dropbox link fails, you can also reupload whatever vanished for other users on here


    may the lord have mercy on my soul

    New Joja animal replacer! Guaranteed not to devour your family and suck your soul out in your sleep! Don't worry, you sold your soul when you bought our livestock.

    download joja stuff here




    Semi-Realistic Barn Replacers:
    Pig.png BabyPig.png Goat.png BabyGoat.png Brown Cow.png BabyBrown Cow.png White Cow.png BabyWhite Cow.png Sheep.png ShearedSheep.png BabySheep.png Duck.png Brown Chicken.png White Chicken.png Void Chicken.png Dinosaur.png



    Old Stuff:

    You can find my older sprites at my Dropbox above. I've added images of all of the animals to the folder.​

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
      Flumme, wafflerie, IronZelly and 42 others like this.
    • BunnyBuns

      BunnyBuns Subatomic Cosmonaut

      Ahh the cow is so cute!! Love the color of the pig just not the sprite that's not your fault though the original sprite for the piggy is... Ehhhh
        Pioschka likes this.
      • Crucifigo

        Crucifigo Title Not Found

        Thank you! Yeah, the face is a bit funny. Maybe it's a potbellied pig?? I might do a less wrinkly version once I'm done with the sprite I'm doing now, I can see why people don't like it.
          UnworthyPie likes this.
        • Crucifigo

          Crucifigo Title Not Found

          Added new sprites for secret animal. Which I still don't have yet (ughhhhhhhhhhhh rng)

          If you try it out and find stray pixels or something send me a screenshot.
          • BunnyBuns

            BunnyBuns Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Will do! I don't even have the piggy yet! working on a deluxe coop cause bunnies are cute!! [​IMG]
            • Crucifigo

              Crucifigo Title Not Found

              Thanks! I just ordered my deluxe coop today, gotta get bunnies tomorrow! I think they should be angora personally, brown rabbits don't drop white wool-good lord they cost 8,000g each? Those better be some fancy bunnies.
              • BunnyBuns

                BunnyBuns Subatomic Cosmonaut

                asdfghj What really? That's a lot of gold!!
                • Crucifigo

                  Crucifigo Title Not Found

                  i made a lizard horse its 2am screw this

                  it is not intended as a serious mod so i wont be editing it again

                  bedtime now bye
                    miryuo likes this.
                  • Cruxador

                    Cruxador Poptop Tamer

                    Your piglets are the cutest.
                    • MrIce

                      MrIce Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      • MrIce

                        MrIce Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        Can you remove the front legs and put lil arms on the Lizard Horse?
                        • pacmanjr2

                          pacmanjr2 Orbital Explorer

                          Im waiting the stego, awesome
                          • Zhuria

                            Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                            Ahhh I'm loving the new sheep! But am I blind or is there no download for it in the dropbox folder?
                            • Crucifigo

                              Crucifigo Title Not Found

                              aaa thank you! Looks like my Dropbox crashed or something, I probably should've checked before I went for a nap. And now my laptop has decided to go the same way. Apparently running Dropbox is too much to ask today.

                              ok there it goes jeez finally all i want to do is sync a folder
                              • Zhuria

                                Zhuria Cosmic Narwhal

                                Haha no problem, I feel you. I've been using mediafire and it went down at some point and I panicked and had to use dropbox.

                                Thanks for these, now I don't need to make my own damn sheep :D
                                • Crucifigo

                                  Crucifigo Title Not Found

                                  haha yeah, i was waiting for someone else to make sheep but then i googled sheep and saw these gorgeous suffolk sheep and they were really cute
                                  • Ky2002

                                    Ky2002 Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Do you plan on adding the baby white cow soon :)
                                    • Crucifigo

                                      Crucifigo Title Not Found

                                      I'm probably going to redo the white cow and everything else along with the pig, but I might go back to the older sprites and finish them off when I'm done. Right now the white cow is kinda similar to the vanilla baby cow so it doesn't stand out too badly.
                                      • Rosalie

                                        Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                                        ooooo I love your fluffy cat!! is it okay if I change the colors of the fluffy cat to a ragdoll cat for my use only? if not I completely understand^^
                                        • Crucifigo

                                          Crucifigo Title Not Found

                                          That's totally okay with me!
                                            Rosalie likes this.

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