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Server Discussion New Dedicated w/ Small playerbase

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Mildley, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. Mildley

    Mildley Yeah, You!

    I started playing again recently and like 5 of my friends have joined me. We are all in our early 30's and I have started streaming SB recently. Would like to find people around our age or closeish, def 18+. Server will obviously be 24/7 besides restarts. I have ran servers before so this isn't anything new for me.

    - Base game with Inventory mod for now as we haven't played much of it yet.
    - If we hit it off I would allow expansions on my Space Station, which will have community boxes as well that we drop unwanted/old gear in
    - we may not have room in group (5 people who have known each other for over 15 years) but we can still communicate and help each other out ect....
    - Eastern Timezone with playtime's anywhere from Noonish-6am.
    - Twitch Chat/Voice will be available to all. Will also setup multiple voice rooms for different squads if they want.
    - Joining stream and hanging out/chatting with us would be cool. I will think of some kind of little perk for anyone who does.
    - Server is under a week old.
    Not everything I wanted to say but this works for now.

    Steam Name : Mildley

    If you add me just tell me a little about yourself (Location, what you expect out of a server ect... anything really)


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