New characters receiving more damage than older characters.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by douglaslmr, Oct 14, 2018.

  1. douglaslmr

    douglaslmr Space Spelunker

    I began a new character a few weeks after the last update and it is now with combat lvl 10, galaxy sword and space boots. The damage it receives from the serpents in the skull caverns ranges from ~22 to ~40. Yet, with my old character created and developed way before the update, the damage ranges from 18 to 25 with the space boots on, 20 to 30 without any boots.
    Both characters have the same combat perks (+10% dam, +25 HP) and I can't figure out what is causing the diference. I'm having a hard time surviving in the skull caverns with my new character, considering it is dealt more damage with the boots on than the older one receives without any boots.
    Is anyone having the same issue or has any ideia what I can do to fix it?

    Both characters were tested today, in the same updated version.
    • Kurachi84

      Kurachi84 Cosmic Narwhal

      using different cookings? maybe 1 uses something that buffs defense?
      i don't know, just giving possibilities
      both same weapon, too? some swords (i only use swords) have + defense

      if not, then i don't know, i try :p
      • douglaslmr

        douglaslmr Space Spelunker

        No, neither had any buffs on and both were using the Galaxy Sword. I also removed any rings they were wearing.

        I was told that the damage dealt by some monster was buffed in the multiplayer update, but it is really odd that it is only affecting characters created after the update.
        • ShneekeyTheLost

          ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

          Serpents have a base damage of 23, they cannot hit for 40 damage unless it is a crit. In fact, there are no enemies which exist within Stardew Valley that can do 40 damage.
          • margotbean

            margotbean Existential Complex

            There is an image of me taking 35 damage from a Serpent here:

            In Monster:: ParseMonsterInfo, once you've reached the bottom of the mines (which you have if you're in the Skull Cavern), all damage dealt by monsters is increased by a random number between 0 and DamageToFarmer (the base damage). So, Serpents can do up to 45 damage. Which is why I've been saying the Skull Cavern is TOO DIFFICULT in 1.3!

            The reason it's affecting only the character created in 1.3 may be that the boolean maxTimesReachedMineBottom is being set to true in 1.3, but for the 1.2 character, it's still being set to false (this is a change listed in the 1.3.23 beta). I wish I had that luck with my 1.2 characters. :(
            • One More Day

              One More Day Cosmic Narwhal

              I don't have a screenshot, but last night I took a hit of 62 from an iridium bat. It's an old farm too, started in 1.2

              Across various farms, both 1.2 and 1.3, I've taken a load of hits of >45, pretty sure some of those would have been serpents too. I'll keep a close watch now to see.

              Not that I mind, I actually like that it's hard, I think there should be a risk of dying, otherwise what's the point?

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