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Need to Remove Items From Inventory

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by alexACE, Jun 24, 2017.

  1. alexACE

    alexACE Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (Moved from General Discussion)
    There is currently a stack of watering cans in my inventory that is creating fatal crashes for my game (it's a long story...). Does anyone know of any out of game inventory editors, or any program that will allow me to access my player data and remove the cans from my inventory?

    If need be, I am also prepared to purge the entire contense of my inventory if that is the only way to do this. I just need someone to show me how to do that without wiping out the character completely...
  2. NuclearSlayer52

    NuclearSlayer52 Phantasmal Quasar

    if its possible to change the difficulty whatever thing to normal aka items lost on death doing that and changing health to 0 or lower should kill you and seperate the cans...

    i want to know why you had alot or the cans?
  3. alexACE

    alexACE Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This doesn't help me because I can't even get into my character. The moment I click to play him the game crashes.
    To answer your question I took over a large Apex lab and turned it into a base. I repurposed the animal pens they had into a place to grow crops but said crops had no natural way of getting watered. I had a lot of ground to cover so I made 2 cans (one for each hand) to water faster, and this is where the problem arose. The watering cans stacked when they weren't suppose to, and my game couldn't translate to my hot-bar that I had more than one watering can in my inventory.
  4. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Starcheat does what you need.
  5. oinkgamer

    oinkgamer Cosmic Narwhal

    Not really a solution to your immediate problem, but i did make a gun to make watering crops faster:

    /spawnitem npcfloranassaultrifle 1 '{"shortdescription":"Gift of the Greenfinger","level":10,"seed":97,"animationCustom":{"sounds":{"fire":["/sfx/blocks/water_puddlemod.ogg"]}},"description":"A unique piece of Floran technology.","rarity":"essential","primaryAbility":{"projectileType":"watersprinkle","baseDps":0,"inaccuracy":0,"projectileParameters":{"speed":50,"power":0,"knockback":10}},"altAbilityType":"homingrocket","altAbility":{"projectileType":"glowstatusprojectile","baseDps":0,"projectileCount":3,"cooldownTime":0,"energyUsage":45,"inaccuracy":0.1,"boostForce" : 0,"projectileParameters":{"speed":40}},"tooltipKind":"base"}'

    the alt fire makes you glow
    kittentamer likes this.

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