My next animation is going to be about the codex I'm in need of some pirates to put in the background. I've included some examples of what I need. idle pictures are fine but extra points to people who give their character an idle animation. RULES -Has to match the theme of the animation. Pirates duh. -Has to be Avian. -Keep with Starbounds color scheme, otherwise they'll look out of place. Examples When you've created your picture or animation, you can email it to me at In terms of file format you can either send me the sprite sheet in the form of two options, .png, or an .ase file. The email format: Subject: Backgrounded Pirates Make sure you include your name or alias for the credits in the youtube description, with an optional link to your content.
Theres no deadline really, only until I have enough background characters. But I will make a post saying that I have enough.
hells yeah! I have some other codex animations here and I'm currently working on the Erchius Mining Facility ones.