No, metadata is in the upper part. Basically, the sctructure of your .dungeon file is: { "metadata" : [ ], "tiles" : [ ], "parts" : [ ] }
Those two are handled in your dungeon_worlds.config.patch And the radius and max parts are just for my dungeon. Default was radius : 1000 and maxParts : 100
I am still doing somethign wrong here x.x tried to make "borehole" but when I did i couldn't warp to it
Make sure to rename everything called "leevenhouse" to your dungeons name, one single missing line and you can't port there. Also, be on the lookout for instantiating errors in the log, he can't port you to a non-existing dungeon.
x.x I am having trubble getting this right aprently... probly file names or something IDK I tried to DL some one elses mod and unpack it to look it over but the modpackhelper can't see them and AlZip says it's not a known .pak file
Create a .bat file (ANTI MPH FACTION!!!! ) New notepad file -> asset_unpacker.exe <modname>.modpak <output folder> Rename the file <anything>.bat, copy it to your starbound/win64 directory and run it.
Shouldn't be. Put @pause at a new line of the bat-file, so it can actually throw an error on what's wrong before closing.
ôo That's strange. Which mod is it, anyways? I'll just unpack and reupload it, faster then to go through all that hassle.
Well... Those are some old assets I used back then. Should work. Dungeon is called soutpost1
o.o thats a lot of files that I don't need though lol oh boy.... lot to cut out or figure out.... least it's got a structure i can look at and figure out
Yeah, sorry, had to include the base files since the outpost files were dependent on them. Maybe you can find some useful things there, doubt that tho.
YES! i see exsactly what i did wrong looking over that.... now how do I get something to work from in? I need atleast one block or i can't do anything lol
Well, draw one block like you'll draw the mission - via paint / photoshop / gimp / paint.NET, whatever. Dungeon files are usually located in /dungeons/other/<yourDungeonName>/ If there is no such folder, create it and include: <yourDungeon>-base.png <yourDungeon>-objects.png <yourDungeon>-liquids.png <yourDungeon>.dungeon There's a tutorial for dungeons and missions you might want to check out if you're stuck. Link is in the thread in my signature (the foxy one).
damnit... it don't keep changes even if it's not a mission u.u[DOUBLEPOST=1432969061][/DOUBLEPOST]This is way discuraging x.x some one needs to make a better map editor..... one that can rip planets too >.>
Not think that's gonna happen (like this), there are ways to convert screens to pngs tho, but that's a little more complicated then it sounds. And a mapeditor is in the works. Or, rather, a plugin for one.