Modding Help Need explanation for weapon parameters

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Partho, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. Partho

    Partho Big Damn Hero

    Hi, I'm currently trying to make a weapon mod. But I don't understand all the weapon parameters. Can anyone please explain those briefly?
    The difference between fireTime and fireTimeFactor or energyUsage and energyUsageFactor. If I change the factors the value of damage per shot, rate of fire, energy per shot change but if I change fireTime or energyUsage nothing changes.
    What are burstTime and burstCount?
  2. Partho

    Partho Big Damn Hero

    I now understand that the problem is on the buildweapon.lua file. What is the behavior of this file?
  3. 777JackOfBlades

    777JackOfBlades Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Honestly you can change parameters without having to do lua.files which I don't recommend using for beginners in modding , the most important parameters are inside the .activeitem files , don't bother with lua files unless you've been already modding a lot.
    Try the activeitem files for novakids weapons since they're pretty basic and make a good base to start modding

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