Modding Help Need a Tiled expert!

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Noah Nebula, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    I have an NPC camp that I copied from the vanilla bandit camp. I just replaced the human bandits with a custom race I made.

    The camp is all in the encounterdungeons folder attached along with the object I want to replace the campfire with (Corruption Alter).

    Everything works great except I want to replace the campfire with another custom object. how do I do that??

    Attached Files:

  2. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't consider myself a professional at Tiled, but I know enough that I can help you with this.

    The first thing you will want to do is save the dungeon file in it's final location. That is, save it where you want it in the end. I learned this the hard way, as moving dungeon files around without clicking "Save As" messes up the tileset references and results in you needing to rebuild the dungeon again or fixing the references yourself. Next, you will need to create your own tileset, which must be included in the mod and also must be saved in it's final location. There are a couple ways to do this, including copying + pasting a vanilla tileset where you want yours to be and then modifying it to include only your tiles, or going through the process of creating one through Tiled itself.

    Once you have finished building your tileset, run Tiled and open up your dungeon file. Now click on "Map" and under it should be "Add External Tileset." Clicking that will open up a window to select a tileset to import. Navigate to your tileset, click it and then click "Open." You have now imported a tileset that you can use.

    I would like to point out that these instructions are based on the latest version of Tiled. Importing tilesets should be the exact same process for older versions, but I cannot be exactly sure that it will work for ALL versions.
  3. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    Are you telling me that there is a special Tiled program I have to use to do this?
  4. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    Sort of. You will have to install Tiled via this website, but other than that no other installations are needed.

    If you are having problems using Tiled, refer to the tutorial I created for using it.
  5. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    I copied the tilesets folder and pasted it into the packed folder under /assets. but Tiled doesn't open it??
  6. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    Nvm I get it now! I removed the campfire, but how do I add my object to the tilesets so I can add it in?
  7. SpazDiesFirst360.0

    SpazDiesFirst360.0 Phantasmal Quasar

    This will require creating a new tileset. The easiest way to do this is to copy + paste a vanilla one and edit it to use your object. For example...
      "margin" : 0,
      "name" : "objects-by-colonytag/zen",
      "properties" : {
      "spacing" : 0,
      "tilecount" : 5,
      "tileheight" : 8,
      "tileproperties" : {
        "0" : {
          "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.",
          "//name" : "zenrock1",
          "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock",
          "imagePositionX" : "-8",
          "imagePositionY" : "0",
          "object" : "zenrock1",
          "tilesetDirection" : "right"
        "1" : {
          "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.",
          "//name" : "zenrock4",
          "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock",
          "imagePositionX" : "-8",
          "imagePositionY" : "0",
          "object" : "zenrock4",
          "tilesetDirection" : "right"
        "2" : {
          "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.",
          "//name" : "zenrock2",
          "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock",
          "imagePositionX" : "-8",
          "imagePositionY" : "0",
          "object" : "zenrock2",
          "tilesetDirection" : "right"
        "3" : {
          "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.",
          "//name" : "zenrock3",
          "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock",
          "imagePositionX" : "-8",
          "imagePositionY" : "0",
          "object" : "zenrock3",
          "tilesetDirection" : "right"
        "4" : {
          "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.",
          "//name" : "zenrock5",
          "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock",
          "imagePositionX" : "0",
          "imagePositionY" : "0",
          "object" : "zenrock5",
          "tilesetDirection" : "right"
      "tiles" : {
        "0" : {
          "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/zenrock1.png"
        "1" : {
          "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/zenrock4.png"
        "2" : {
          "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/zenrock2.png"
        "3" : {
          "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/zenrock3.png"
        "4" : {
          "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/zenrock5.png"
      "tilewidth" : 8

    All you need to do is edit tile 0 to use the object that you want ("//name" and "object" are almost always the same, unless an object has multiple orientations, in which case "imagePositionX," "imagePositionY," and "//name" will be different), then edit image reference 0 to use the image for that object. You will also need to edit the tileset name and tile count. Other than that, nothing should be changed.
  8. GeekyRaptor

    GeekyRaptor Phantasmal Quasar

    I still can't get tiled to open my files, it just opens the folder to show it's contents rather than actually opening the tileset in the tiled editor I am stumped despite the tutorial, any chance you made a video tutorial with step by step instructions?
    Edit: a recent tutorial on this site says tiled version 0.15.2 is the most compatible with starbound. I'm going to try it out now and see if it fixes my issues.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
  9. GeekyRaptor

    GeekyRaptor Phantasmal Quasar

    Unfortunately my json tileset files are still loading as blank tiles in the editor. I can't imagine why though...

    Update: it works now due to using a more recent tutorial on the subject I looked at, for anyone having this issue the tutorial recommends using tiled 0.15.2 and that worked for me.

    Further news I learned a easy way to increase performance of starbound and reduce framerate lag. I just tried running the game in windowed mode. Hope this helps somebody.

    I really can't wait for a custom starbound tileset tutorial.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019

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