RELEASED MysticTempest's Tea Mod

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MysticTempest, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. DuosAngel

    DuosAngel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    EDIT: I was wrong, the mod is completely borked. I look forward to being able to use it again whenever it gets updated.
      Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
    • Moragaine

      Moragaine Existential Complex

      @DuosAngel Borked how? The author might like some information about what errors you're getting.
        Acerbicon likes this.
      • Moragaine

        Moragaine Existential Complex

        @MysticTempest Unfortunately, your mod is throwing errors in 1.3.32. The cooking recipes are not showing up to be cooked and the game crashes if you mouse over an already cooked item on your hotbar:; attempting to harvest tea gives a different sort of error: I am only using the Tea portion of your mod, not the whole thing, so I don't know if there are any different errors there. Hopefully, the fix isn't too difficult because I really enjoy using your mod.
        • DuosAngel

          DuosAngel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          This is pretty much what I meant by 'borked' (sorry, i shouldn't have deleted my original post, I was rushing to get back to the game). I didn't have any crashes but nothing was really working.
          • Moragaine

            Moragaine Existential Complex

            Yah, I'm still waiting on one or two mods before I start playing 1.3.32 seriously and so hadn't seen any of the problems with it. I started poking at 1.3.32 and the problems weren't hard to find, alas.
            • MysticTempest

              MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

              Sorry, for the very late reply! I got burnt out, and took a break from SDV, but I got pinged outside of the forum about the recent errors.

              I'm glad to hear you enjoy it so much! I don't plan to add Kombucha personally, but I do have the "Imported Tea Machine" which makes custom teas from forageables & tea leaves.
              You can always modify that to make custom teas to your liking.


              @DuosAngel & @Moragaine

              Thanks for the heads up! A friend alerted me to y'alls error reports.
              So, I took a look and this is a bug with Content Patcher.

              This discussion here with FarAways & Pathoschild details the issue:

              Basically, any entry that has a Language token associated with it is broken. And, since I designed my mod with support for all the current languages(esp. on the off chance I get translations).
              It's mostly not working.

              Here's a log snippet of my Tea mod's patch summary for proof:

              MysticTempest's Tea and Botany Mod:
                Local tokens:
                BotanyModDisabled: true
                loaded  | conditions | applied | name + details
                ------- | ---------- | ------- | --------------
                [X]  | [ ]  | [ ]  | EditData Data/fruitTrees  // conditions don't match: BotanyModDisabled (false)
                [X]  | [ ]  | [ ]  | EditImage TileSheets/fruitTrees  // conditions don't match: BotanyModDisabled (false)
                [X]  | [X]  | [X]  | entry #1 (EditImage TileSheets/crops)
                [X]  | [X]  | [ ]  | entry #10 (EditData Data/Crops)
                [X]  | [ ]  | [ ]  | entry #11 (EditData Data/ObjectInformation)  // uses tokens not available right now: Language
                [X]  | [ ]  | [ ]  | entry #12 (EditData Data/ObjectInformation)  // uses tokens not available right now: Language
                [X]  | [ ]  | [ ]  | entry #13 (EditData Data/ObjectInformation)  // uses tokens not available right now: Language
                [X]  | [ ]  | [ ]  | entry #14 (EditData Data/ObjectInformation)  // uses tokens not available right now: Language

              And, as a temporary workaround you can either use the last working Content Patcher: v1.4.1

              Or, you can grab a temporary version of my mod with the Language tokens stripped out
              -Link Removed-

              According to Pathoschild's post; ContentPatcher should be fixed on the 9th. So, I'll test again to be sure that was the only issue, but it looks like it.

              Now that Content Patcher's Language bug has been fixed. I've removed the temporary workaround download. Please see the original post for the current download.
                Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
              • Moragaine

                Moragaine Existential Complex

                Oh, Thank you! I will try it right away. Eventually I will try the whole Botany part, too - but I just loved having tea in the game(especially after I finally got the tea set).

                PS: testing on 2.9 actually started tonight, Pathos posted the alpha verson in the modding discord.
                  MysticTempest likes this.
                • MysticTempest

                  MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                  No prob! ^-^ And, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying my Tea mod as well, thanks!

                  And, no worries about trying the Botany expansion or not. Technically it's still Beta/WIP, but I got burnt out after adding all my basic favorites. It is fully featured & works without issue, but it's not quite as polished as the Tea mod. Both from a game balance, and an art perspective(plus I need to go back & add documentation, :cry:)

                  Oh, and thanks for the heads up about the new SMAPI. It's the Content Patcher itself that needs fixing. But, I grabbed the SMAPI v2.9 Alpha and tested both versions of my mod. The workaround still works fine on my end.
                  • DuosAngel

                    DuosAngel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Thank so much for the fast fix! Playing without Green Tea powering my farmer has not been fun. (I may have an addiction to your mod.)
                      MysticTempest likes this.
                    • MysticTempest

                      MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                      Ah, no prob, and thanks! It's nice to hear I could make the in-game Tea as enticing as the real thing! ^-^
                      • MysticTempest

                        MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                        Just wanted to post a follow up.

                        Content Patcher updated the other day which fixed the Language token bug we were experiencing. So, I deleted the workaround download.
                        Please see the original post for the updated download.

                        The latest download has a few updates.
                        The BotanyMachines are now a ContentPack for "CustomFarmingRedux". So delete the old sub-folder, and add the new one directly under "Mods" like any other content pack. Old machines seem to work fine on my end. But if they get funky, pick them up & then place the machines back down to reset them.

                        I also updated the textures of the BotanyMachines slightly, and fixed a few issues I missed in the previous conversion to v1.3.
                        Added a couple more items to ShopExpander that weren't available without item spawning; fixed another Content Patcher-based issue where it loaded items too slowly for ShopExpander.
                        And lastly, I added documentation for all aspects of my mod(Tea,Botany,& BotanyMachines).

                        Been playtesting it for a bit, and it looks like it's good to go again. But, let me know if y'all have any other issues.
                          Moragaine likes this.
                        • roflblah

                          roflblah Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Hi! I'm getting this error when I start up smapi. I can't test the mod yet since I still have classes tom, but I just wanted to point this error out :)
                          I have artisan valley and all other mods related to it as well

                          [00:18:14 ERROR Json Assets] Exception injecting cooking recipe for Black Tea: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
                          at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
                          at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
                          at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
                          at JsonAssets.ContentInjector.Edit[T](IAssetData asset) in G:\StardewValley\Mods_1.4\JsonAssets\ContentInjector.cs:line 143
                          [00:18:14 ERROR Json Assets] Exception injecting cooking recipe for White Tea: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
                          at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
                          at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
                          at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
                          at JsonAssets.ContentInjector.Edit[T](IAssetData asset) in G:\StardewValley\Mods_1.4\JsonAssets\ContentInjector.cs:line 143
                          • paradigmnomad

                            paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            This mod is not affiliated with PPJA. I'm not sure if this mod adds `Black Tea` as well but PPJA does have a `Black Tea` which conflicts with this mod.
                            • roflblah

                              roflblah Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              Yes, this mod has both black and white tea. So if I understand correctly, I can't use them both at the same time?
                              • MysticTempest

                                MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

                                Thanks for the heads up. I was able to test a bit on my end, and the issue is due to Artisan Valley using the same recipe names as me.

                                You can use both mods at the same time; there's no crash from what I could see while testing.
                                My Tea Mod will continue to work perfectly fine with the minor exception being that there might be some delays in receiving recipes.
                                As for the 2 duplicate teas created by Artisan Valley; they're accessible via CJB ItemSpawner, but are otherwise hidden when using my Tea mod.
                                • roflblah

                                  roflblah Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  Good to know :) I've used this mod since 1.2 and I didn't want to part with it
                                    MysticTempest likes this.
                                  • Merryberry

                                    Merryberry Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    An easy workaround for fixing tea mod conflicts; go into the Artisan valley tea files and rename them. I added soft to the file name (re; I opened the document and changed the name so that it read "Soft Black Tea" instead of just "Black Tea".) and that resolves to conflict. That's legit all you have to do.
                                      MysticTempest likes this.
                                    • roflblah

                                      roflblah Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Thanks for the tip!

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