My space station, finally finish

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by -Cain-, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. -Cain-

    -Cain- Lucky Number 13


    Now i'm waiting for the next patch to build something way bigger because this house is going to be wiped soon so ... :)
  2. Potato Shogun

    Potato Shogun Big Damn Hero

    that looks awesome. much symmetry :megusta:
  3. -Cain-

    -Cain- Lucky Number 13

    Thanks, and yes even if sometimes it's kind of hard to keep symetry but it was fine there ;)
  4. Shakunik

    Shakunik Aquatic Astronaut

    Looks nice! Space Station is a good idea.

    But remember: "Symmetry, dear Steinman. It's time we did something about symmetry..." (Bioshock)
  5. -Cain-

    -Cain- Lucky Number 13

    Hehe Shak

    /love Bioshock :)
  6. Hyrenic_Alpha

    Hyrenic_Alpha Orbital Explorer

    Teach me master...
    DrChopper likes this.
  7. DrChopper

    DrChopper Aquatic Astronaut

    Im saving this screenshot so I can build something awesome like this someday.
  8. GuardianTempest

    GuardianTempest Void-Bound Voyager

    I wonder how the nearby Avians think about this massive construction...
    Finn Learson likes this.
  9. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    (Looks at garden) And yet people say starvation is a real and legitimate threat to survival in this game.
    Very impressive.
    DrChopper likes this.
  10. sxlwa

    sxlwa Subatomic Cosmonaut

    impressive. good luck with the meteor showers.
  11. Skhmt

    Skhmt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wouldn't that be a ground station?
    Boshed likes this.
  12. klipwc

    klipwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That isnt in space...
    These are

  13. DrChopper

    DrChopper Aquatic Astronaut

    Holy shit, im done. I am so done with this. Now I cant even hope ill build something awesome like this someday. Shit.
  14. Zourin

    Zourin Void-Bound Voyager

    How'd you transport the lava to orbit o_O?
  15. Aeon

    Aeon Phantasmal Quasar

    I do believe he used the custom spaceship mod to make it
  16. klipwc

    klipwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Using mods basically ^ thats the only way atm. There is a "creative mode" mod floating around, pretty awesome for builders
  17. Kattanos

    Kattanos Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's no space station..
    That's no moon...

    Also, I will build elaborate structures like this one day.. Most likely after this upcoming wipe.. Great builds both of you!
  18. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I'd build something cool like this but I had to delete my character recently and I am the type of person that likes building legit without cheating stuff in.
  19. Awesome builds man, shame to see them go after the wipe.

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