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My save file won't load on my switch...Help, anyone?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Jay0916, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. Jay0916

    Jay0916 Space Hobo

    So I'm working on my farm and I start noticing some lag in my game but I think nothing of it and continue playing and putting hours into the game until I finally decide to call it a night, so I did my final save by going to bed and waking up and just as I'm about to close to the title menu, my dog Sam starts floating across the bedroom in his sleep. It's then that I realized something was wrong, the game never did that before so I'm just sitting there thinking as I power off my switch. So I decide to turn my switch back on just to check on my save file and I start up the game like normal but when I clicked on my save file I get this error message from Nintendo asking to send the information about the error to them so I clicked yes. Then when I try clicking on the save file again I just get an "Closed software due to error". And now I'm freaking out because I put 45+ hours on this game with a lot of content that I have saved from crops, mining, fishing, and crafting. I already tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling but it didn't help, so I created a new farm just to see if it was the game itself but it worked just fine, so its just that save file. I don't know what to do, even if I start a new farm, the idea of restarting from scratch just drives me crazy after everything I accomplished so far, and even then I wouldn't be comfortable playing in fear it might happen again, and quite frankly I feel like I wouldn't want to play the game anymore to be honest. What do I do? I don't want all the hours I've put into the save file to be for nothing. Thank You!

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