Hello Citizens of the universe! I recently got a new tablet and stylus so I figured I'd try my hand at making some digital art. Now I present my first digital drawing. Haori: Retired Samurai I started with a portrait, nothing fancy. I hope you guys (and gals, and gender neutral species) like it.
Hey, this is pretty good! May I ask what software you're using? I'm just curious. If you need to spoiler things just use (spoiler) your stuff/images (/spoiler), replace all the () with [] and that should do. Like this!
Thanks for the help! The software I'm using is autodesk, its just a free app and doesn't have too many tools, but it works for now.
Nice to hear(I thought Autodesk is for 3D work only, well what do I know. )! I know a lot of people start off with GIMP since it's both free and is good enough to provide most of what an artist need. I myself used to draw in GIMP too until I switched over to Inkscape in favor of vector graphics.
You have a very crisp and geometrically smooth style! Very nice! If you'd like some tips on working with digital art, I'd be happy to provide at least some insight where I can provide it. Though it's mostly just for using the tools.