My Favorite Straw Hat

Discussion in 'Create-A-Hat' started by Frank Zerkle, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Frank Zerkle

    Frank Zerkle Tentacle Wrangler

    This is the closest I could get to the actual straw hat that I wear to work every day. Haven't done much pixel art, but i think it turned out pretty cool. :) [​IMG]
    Reversed version: [​IMG]

    Easier to see if they're bigger I guess. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Luci, turntechGodhead, Lazer and 5 others like this.
  2. dgm

    dgm Phantasmal Quasar

    HAHAHA Cool! I'd wear it!
    Frank Zerkle likes this.
  3. ProjectRay12

    ProjectRay12 Phantasmal Quasar

    Of all the amazing hats I've seen, this is definitely my favorite.

    Because of all the amazing hats I've seen, this one is down to Earth.

    Nothing flashy, nothing animated, just simplicity, and a story behind it.

    I want this one to win so badly right now.
    Frank Zerkle, rimvydas and WoxandWarf like this.
  4. Frank Zerkle

    Frank Zerkle Tentacle Wrangler

    Woot! Some people like my hat! hehehe wasn't really expecting that. :)
    ProjectRay12 and dgm like this.
  5. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead Phantasmal Quasar

    That's really good, for the same reasons ProjectRay stated. It's simple.
    ProjectRay12 and Frank Zerkle like this.
  6. rimvydas

    rimvydas Astral Cartographer

    Simple and nice, i like it :)
    Frank Zerkle likes this.
  7. Robo Hobo

    Robo Hobo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My robot would totally wear this.
    Love it!
    Frank Zerkle likes this.
  8. AIex

    AIex Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i love it, hope it gets in the game :)
    Frank Zerkle likes this.
  9. Lazer

    Lazer Existential Complex

    Excellent hat! Nice pixel-work. It's nice to see an entry that is an actual hat instead of an object-on-head, or the always popular creature-that-is-trying-to-kill-you (not that those can't be cool, too).
    AIex, ProjectRay12 and Frank Zerkle like this.

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