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Bug/Issue My Energy doesnt increase while being in the bath

Discussion in 'Support' started by Apfelschnitzschneider, May 29, 2018.

  1. Hello there, i got a problem. In stardew wiki is mentioned, that i can gain some energy by standing in the warm bath. Unfortunatly it doesnt work - also staying in bed without sleeping doenst help. Has some1 any suggestion how I can fix this problem?

    Thanks a lot!
    • margotbean

      margotbean Existential Complex

      You must stand still for the spa to heal you. I just ran the game in German (v1.3.14) and was able to heal this way.

      Standing in bed only heals in multiplayer. It was removed from single player in v1.3.11, unfortunately.

      Are you playing the new beta version? Are you playing in single player mode or multiplayer?
      • Hello margot. Im in the singleplayer mode....and I stood still for an (ingame) hour and nothing happened...thats why i asked here, how this can happen...

        Thanks for your effort! But then I need to wait for a solution....
          margotbean likes this.

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