Feedback my bug list

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by RxZWorld, May 11, 2018.

  1. RxZWorld

    RxZWorld Space Hobo

    I'll edit this list when i find new bugs

    so far

    1. Only the Host can swap between the community Center in the E-Tab all other can only see one page

    2. If someone finish one bundle in community center all other can go to the Community Tab in E and get the reward too (duplicate reward) but since its bugged to swap as non host .. so the non host finish the bundle and the host swaps between and get the free reward too

    3. Most Lvl 5/10 skills only for the host .. but if u want to get your extra money.. since the host doesnt upgrade fishing.. go sell the fish and u get ur extra 25% .. but maybe add it as a extra option at the start of a new farm .. Stack up lvl 5/10 skills or turn it off to have the Hardcore modus like the 25% is right now could be awesome too..

    sorry for my bad english ..
    if some bugs alrdy posted i'm sorry better posted twice than never

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