Suggestion Multiplayer Location after Disconnecting

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by melonpanmel, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. melonpanmel

    melonpanmel Space Hobo

    So a few times my friends and I have played multiplayer and there are time when one of us disconnect from internet connection issues but sometimes it happens very often and their player always reappear back at their own cabin when they could be in the middle of the mines. The main solution is probably jut get a better internet connection but what if the player could re spawn at their location if they disconnect only within the same day. Therefore then if they join the next day, they'll be at their cabin.
      Last edited: Jun 9, 2018
    • Aeri_

      Aeri_ Void-Bound Voyager

      My personal preference would be a "CONNECTION LOST" warning which gives you the option to attempt re-connection, (I play with a friend in the Philippines from America, this renders the connection less than stable sometimes.)
      • Fuzzyman

        Fuzzyman Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        I think re-appearing in the cabin is a better scenario. If you've been ejected you won't know when you'd reappear. If you reappear in the mines at 1:20 AM, that's a steep penalty for a lost connection.

        Currently, when you do get ejected and then reappear you haven't lost any items

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