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Multiplayer Item Rework?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by onemancantwo, May 11, 2019.

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  1. onemancantwo

    onemancantwo Space Hobo

    The Problem
    I was thinking about how items work in multiplayer in Risk of Rain 2 and kept on coming up with the same problem, Which ever friend that came up with the most items would survive the longest and therefore leave the rest of us to die.

    • Make the spawns of the items locally and not server wide so that both players can get the same amount of loot with the same rarity to keep unfairness at the minimum (Could also make it so that it doesn't need to have the same rarity so that when your friend gets a rare you have a chance of getting a common or lower, or even higher)
    • With the same idea intact you could also make it so that when one person buys a chest or a randomizer thingy or even an equipment crate it would only buy it for that person so that the other player can buy the same crate and get something else out of it if not the same thing

    Please feel free to add on to this or even give your critics on this or others ideas and hopefully build upon those ideas to make a better game :)
    • Pangaea

      Pangaea Forum Moderator

      This forum is for original Risk of Rain. Try posting on the Risk of Rain 2 steam forums.

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