Suggestion Multiplayer Improvements

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by shadowdn, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. shadowdn

    shadowdn Intergalactic Tourist

    So far I'm loving the multiplayer but there is mostly one thing that concerns me the most. I think that the multiplayer save should be held on a server of some sort, not on the hard drive of the person who started it, so that the existing players can drop in, make improvements, continue to play and then have the progress save on the server for the other players. At this point in time the, creator of the multiplayer save has to start it up in order for others to play, in my opinion, this is very limiting. Thanks.
    • Bird_Person

      Bird_Person Aquatic Astronaut

      I second this. I think it would be great if players could change hosts in a game. That way other players could run the game file without having to wait on the host; likewise, if the host has to leave while the other players are still playing, the entire game doesn't have to quit.
      • Mizzion

        Mizzion Phantasmal Quasar

        I don't see how this would work. They would have to re-write how the server hosting works completely. Right now it uses a Peer to Peer system. That's why farmhands are saved to the hosts computer. Now if they used actual servers. then sure it could work out.
        • shadowdn

          shadowdn Intergalactic Tourist

          Exactly, for a truly well made multiplayer system they would have to have actual servers, not peer-to-peer.
          • Ainzoal

            Ainzoal Ketchup Robot

            I disagree. Allowing that to happen is a very good way to let one player with more free time to get far too ahead to the point that they ruin the cooperation of the ones who aren't online as much.
            • jbrianj

              jbrianj Void-Bound Voyager

              No, a simple way to deal with this is to have a headless client, who hosts the servers without playing an actual character.

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