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Multiplayer crashes on a day with two character events and one game event.

Discussion in 'Support' started by RoyalMoonWarrior, May 10, 2018.

  1. RoyalMoonWarrior

    RoyalMoonWarrior Aquatic Astronaut

    My friends and I are playing the multiplayer and I thought i would inform someone that we caused it to crash and we cant play any further. We are not sure if its the fact of one character having a baby on the 27th of fall plus that day being an event plus another two of the players getting married that day.. but it seems we can not play any farther on that file till there is a fix. guess its a good warning to other players as well. We are willing to change the day to one or both of the player events if we can but I have looked through the file and cant figure out how myself. Thanks for your time!

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