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Bug/Issue Multiplayer connection failed

Discussion in 'Support' started by Aquariae, Jun 6, 2018.

  1. Aquariae

    Aquariae Yeah, You!

    I can´t get a connection to get an invite code or make friend invites over steam.. tried reinstalling steam and stardew valley, tried without firewall, without antivirus, tried a different network connection, nothing works

    i don´t know how i can get further information about my issue
    save files are fine
    Please Help!
    Have this problem for about a month or so
    • RenaiRoa

      RenaiRoa Space Hobo

      Same problem for me, would appreciate some feedback on it
        Aquariae likes this.
      • TheRaven81

        TheRaven81 Pangalactic Porcupine

        Do either of you have Antivirus at all?

        If you do, check the quarantine for the "Galaxy.dll" file. I just had a person with this problem and their Avast antivirus took it as a false positive. Once he took it out of quarantine and put it back into the install directory, he was able to connect again.
        • Aquariae

          Aquariae Yeah, You!

          I don´t have any files in the quarantine.. problem would have been solved by deactivating antivirus

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