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RELEASED Mousqutaire b1.32

A race of exiled musketeer mice. With almost every feature of a vanilla species and more.

  1. the420urchin

    the420urchin Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's what I did lol, well actually I used the PetOrbis files so maybe it just never got fully finished as a pet because it was never implemented. That's probably what it is.
  2. Mimaah

    Mimaah Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah that's most likely it, the PetOrbis probably hasn't been updated in a long time, where as the ship pets for the vanilla races have been.
  3. Febilian

    Febilian Cosmic Narwhal

    Hello! I decided to give this mod a whirl after you posted on my own mod's page about maybe making a compatibility patch, and I'd like to say it's very cute! I like it, and I think it has a lot of potential.

    I've encountered the killable ship pet as well but you are already aware of that, so... moving on!

    However, there is either something I am really missing, or it is not possible to craft the tier 2(steel) armor set at a metalwork station. I remember the recipes for the items being learned when I created the iron set at the anvil, but I am not finding the steel armor there OR at the metalwork station. Titanium, however, shows up fine, and the metalwork station also has a lot of other things craftable on it that probably shouldn't be made at a metalwork station in recent versions of Starbound(violium, etc). If the hemp/leather armor is supposed to be the next step in the tier ladder(so to speak), does it count towards the 'steel armor' requirement for that one Outpost quest for the Erchius Mining Facility? Just thought I'd check in and see if you had plans for that at all.

    I'd be happy to help test it out some more as new versions are released(for as long as my interest in Starbound manages to last, anyways); keep it up! You've got the foundation of a nice mod going here. =)
    the420urchin likes this.
  4. the420urchin

    the420urchin Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey glad to see your enjoying it. Thanks for the information as well. I hadn't really gotten around to correcting the location of where things were crafted yet since the update changed things so much from when I made the mod. As for the Tier 2 armor, you are correct in assuming the hemp/leather armor is the tier 2 armor set (replacing steel). It should count for the quest req. Hopefully I will be getting a bug release out here soon unfortunately I have simply been to busy the past week to work on it.
  5. Febilian

    Febilian Cosmic Narwhal

    No worries, take your time. I'll try to let you know if I come across any other weirdness. =)
    the420urchin likes this.
  6. the420urchin

    the420urchin Pangalactic Porcupine

  7. Profezzor_Darke

    Profezzor_Darke Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey, I love your Mousqutaires, and wanted to ask if you consider updating it to Starbound 1.0. The Mousquetaires are one of the most innovative race mods in my opinion.
  8. Crusism

    Crusism Big Damn Hero

    Same here; will this be available for the now released Starbound? =D
  9. the420urchin

    the420urchin Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey guys and gals, I wanted to drop by and let you know I am slowly working on things in my spare time. I can't promise anything but hopefully and update will be out at some time in the future.
    decom70 and Crusism like this.
  10. Crusism

    Crusism Big Damn Hero

  11. OctoSHarkTasaurus

    OctoSHarkTasaurus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's been a few months. Any updates?
  12. <//Cyb3r_R4t>

    <//Cyb3r_R4t> Subatomic Cosmonaut

    someone needs to update this mod
  13. Tallglassofwater

    Tallglassofwater Poptop Tamer

    I would love to see this updated. Their backstory is more intriguing than most.
  14. DaWrecka

    DaWrecka Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hmm. At this point I've converted two old species mods to the new format, (haven't released any of them yet, although Kangaru is a possibility) so a third should be doable...

    The problem is permission. Has anyone seen the author lately?
  15. Chicken_9000

    Chicken_9000 Big Damn Hero

    I would love to see this mod updated and finished :(
  16. DoktorGilda

    DoktorGilda Space Hobo

    I'd love to see this mod updated and finished as well!
  17. Apposl

    Apposl Space Hobo

    Oh man. Year plus later, me too! Please update, what a cute little race.

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