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Bug/Issue Mouse Requires Multiple Left Clicks

Discussion in 'Mac / Linux Bug Reports' started by EricaLynn, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. EricaLynn

    EricaLynn Seal Broken

    I took a break from the game early December, when I logged back in last week, the Steam client updated. Since then, and I'm not sure if that was the cause of the issue, I've been unable to play due to the mouse not recognizing left clicks.

    Sometimes the click will be recognized after a double click, sometimes it doesn't register after 10+ clicks. This only seems to be happening with left clicks. Right clicking functions seem to work as expected.

    It happens starting with the main start up screen. Once I load a game, sometimes the mouse clicks will work as expected, fishing is the most noticeable action that is affected. When fishing, sometimes it will work as expected, but most of the time it requires a double click and the fish has gotten away. I've gotten around it by holding the mouse button down after casting and releasing to reel in .. but sometimes casting even requires a double (or more) click.

    This occurs:
    in full screen & windowed
    with Steam overlay enabled & disabled
    on start up screen and throughout the game

    BuildID: 1379940
    (no error logs)

    Mac El Capitan 10.11.6
    I'm using an Apple Magic Mouse (standard with computer, bluetooth)
    I have no other controllers plugged in or even installed for my computer

    Steam client application
    Built: Dec 19, 2016 18:20:41
    Steam API: v017
    Steam package versions: 1482202200

    EDIT 1/19/2017 - I have resolved my issue .. with a complete removal & reinstall of the Steam client. Just deleting local files and re-installing Stardew Valley didn't work .. all the build #s and versions above are the same as they are now .. but I currently do not have the mouse clicking issue.
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2017
      MysticTempest likes this.
    • EricaLynn

      EricaLynn Seal Broken

      It happened again with the new steam client update .. package version 148790260 .. uninstalling and reinstalling steam client didn't resolve this time :( Trying to find a way to report to Steam now ..
      • JabberwockySR

        JabberwockySR Intergalactic Tourist

        I keep running into a similar issue with my GoG copy on PC. Can’t water multiple tiles at a time when it decides that I’m clicking multiple times rather than holding.sometimes works for a while, sometimes I get to water each tile and click each time for chopping (and FORET fishing!)

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