Come one come all and get a one of a kind morph-o-hat. Have you ever wanted to put a random selection of items on your head like a mini UFO, a bunny, a laser sword or a potato. now you can with the wonderful and magnificent morph-o-hat EDIT I dont believe that is so, because you are probably thinking that my hat can turn into any hat then it would be cheating and unimaginative. i am sorry if i didn't explain enough but the morph-o-hat would be a top hat with a slot and you could put any item in that slot and the top hat would disappear and the item would become a vanity hat. some may be boring other could be cool and interesting like if you put a rock on your head it might just float over your head, were if you put a pet on your head it might start to dance. I thought of this hat because i cant resist surprises and i think it would be thoroughly amusing to put random stuff on my head and be surprised on what the outcome will be.Thank you Star and Moon for your critiques because it helped make my submission better. edit there could be a page with all the the items you have tried. This would give a new aspect to explore so you wouldn't get board. Ideas: Ores could change hat colors Swords could look like there embedded in your head Jet packs could make the hat pop up on a timer Shields could make a force field around the hat If you put another hat in the slot the hat could become confused and there be question marks on your head If you put money in the hat a $ symbol comes on your head If you put a music box in your hat notes come out If you put a bed in the hat zzzs come out If you put a poster in the hat there's an advertisement on the hat If you put seeds in your hat it turns into a tree If you put wood in your hat it turns into a mini house on your head
Rules of the contest where: No animations. No special powers or anything, just aethestic. Thus your hat breaks those two rules. Also you have no sprite (Its not neccesary but lets not lie, beetween description and sprite, sprite wins [Reason for which i didnt make a submission]) and description is too short. Not triying to be rude, just telling you things you gotta change, which is pretty much the whole hat.
1. Hats currently do not animate. This does not mean that they will not in the future. If you make nice animations, that's cool. You're not disqualified for this. This just means that if we decide to put your hat in the game, that's some work that we have to do. 2. Hats currently do not function in any way other than look damn good. They are planned on having equipment type effects that can range from defense to maybe passive offense to maybe light sources to maybe condition resistances, whatever we feel we need to put in to make the game fun and enjoyable. 3. If you specify your hat to function in a variety of crazy ways, this makes it something that we have to specifically plan for and implement as a special case if we decide to run with your hat. 4. This can range from fun to potentially annoying to downright impossible depending on the work involved. 5. This can make us want to either implement your hat really badly because it sounds awesome, or it could make us not want to touch it. It is over Legal Stuff, and under Technical Details.