So I have a bad habit of staying out late, and I was hurrying back when the clock hit 2 and my character passed out, but when the screen went black (i think i bumped the move key) the "Would you like to go to sleep for the night?" prompt opened, so I said yes. cause its 2AM, maybe I glitched the game out and wouldn't have to pay 1000 dollars in the morning? Then without showing the daily profits screen It just loaded me in my bed the next day ? The time said 6AM but it was super dark like it was night time, and it was raining. I went to the kitchen and talked to Sebastian (my husband) like I normally do, and he said "You look cold" which is dialogue I'd never seen before or sense from him, and I walked out the door, only to have the game NOW show me yesterdays profits, and I woke up in bed the next day, it was sunny and the lighting was normal. Until at the at the end of the day I noticed it was 11 and Sebastian wasn't in bed yet so I talked to him, and he was apparently mad at me for not cleaning up ? (the house looks the same as it always does what???) The whole thing was just really surreal, but what I think happened is while the screen was black the game moved me from where I passed out to my bed, and me hitting the move key in bed triggered the "sleep?" prompt? but it had already begun loading the morning? Has anyone else had this happen????
Did you notice if you skipped a day? This bug has happened to me a couple times and I've always ended up skipping a day -- i.e. passing out on the 10th and waking up (for real) on the 12th. Clicking "No" when the sleep prompt shows up avoids the bug and finishes the day as normal. It also seems to almost always happen when an animal's giving birth.
OH! yeah you just reminded me before it went to the next day after i tried to leave the house it made me name a pig. And it did skip a day, kind of, I don't remember the exact numbers but lets say the day I passed out was the 9th, i woke up in the dark on the 10th then after trying to leave the house i was glitched into bed and woke up on the 11th .
Goodsir, what is that doll you are using as a picture and why is it so creepy, and why are you posting creepy story, and why i am reading your creepy story in the middle of the night, andwhereismyholywaterohgod
Right!? I just head cannoned it as my character having a dream because it was so surreal o.o I'm pretty sure you can trigger it my hitting the move key after blacking out outside and hitting "yes" if the go to sleep prompt comes up
Oh its a monster from an obscure rpg called "Eternal eyes" it was mediocre compared to others in its genre and kind of very pokemon cloney but i have massive nostalgia for it o: so I'm making a reboot of it in rpg maker as a fan project. I'm posting a creepy story cause it happened and I wanna know if anyone else has experienced it. And You're reading it in the middle of the night because you've lost control of your life, lol jk I dunno.
It reads like something out of HG Wells. If you could craft a Time Machine, I would expect something like this to happen. -Barring that, I'd suggest bugging it under Support. Sounds like your game slipped through a hole in the code cracks.
Right? I litterally felt like i walked into a creepy pasta, and yeah I ought to do that, I just signed up and didn't get a good look at the forum categories ^^' Also my game is completely normal now , it was just a weird couple days, still hoping to get the "you look cold" dialogue again, i think it happens on rainy nights? I still haven't seen it again. Also its not the first bug I've run into either way before this one of my rabbits broke space and dropped wool outside the boundaries of the coop, its been there for almost a year, i figure once i upgrade it I'll be able to grab it.
I'm kicking myself for not doing that >.< I was so confused it didn't occur to me =3= even MORE so now because I triggered it again, (you have to pass out when an animal is just about to have a baby) I hit shift and print screen a ton of times, but forgot to paste them in paint between taking them so i just have the last one which is a totally normal shot of me in bed