More/Random NPC's

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by WoodSkip, May 19, 2018.

  1. WoodSkip

    WoodSkip Tentacle Wrangler

    With the list of current NPC's, mainly the ones you see every day, would be nice to have random chances to have different NPC's in your town, upon creating a new world...

    Those NPC's would have a different structure, maybe a different location maybe..
    • BlueGreen

      BlueGreen Intergalactic Tourist

      I kind of liked the random npcs that showed up for one of the festivals. Of course, it'd make sense for tourists to show up for something like that. Outside of then, the town doesn't have much notable as a tourist destination.

      From my own real-life experiences, however, what about relatives/friends of the various villagers showing up from time to time? They could even have dialog hinting at likes/dislikes to even give them a bit of purpose.

      Oh, wait, I think you're talking more about animal-crossing style villagers where they permanently live there and whatnot (and maybe move in/out periodically)? I suppose that'd be interesting, but working in various schedules and dealing with the relationships between villagers might be too tricky. If they don't recognize or aren't really recognized by the fixed villagers, that could make them feel rather awkward and not really part of the village.
        Tzarina8472 likes this.
      • Andunelen

        Andunelen Space Penguin Leader

        I think it'd be great if after reaching 3rd year in gameplay, you could be able to use the train station to go to another town and meet new NPCs. That way newbie players don't become overwhelmed with too many NPC in the beginning and there's more content for older players.
          Tzarina8472 likes this.
        • WoodSkip

          WoodSkip Tentacle Wrangler

          yeah, there needs to be more content.. I know multiplayer has just been added but I do hope there is more content.
            Andunelen likes this.
          • Tzarina8472

            Tzarina8472 Void-Bound Voyager

            Elsewhere, there is a conversation about the train station. I wish it was more than a possible chance at some 'crumbs' so to speak.

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