REQUEST More meads for custom honey types?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Spectacles, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. Spectacles

    Spectacles Void-Bound Voyager

    I know this is a pretty big ask just because of the sheer amount of content it would involve, but is there a possibility we will ever see more mead types based on @paradigmnomad's Farmer to Florist and Mizu's Flowers mods? I've used Quality Products in the past to turn vanilla honey types into their respective meads, but after trying to brew some custom flower meads and only getting the vanilla product (along with the vanilla price--RIP my wisteria honey), I realized that this would be something I'd massively appreciate. I love quality and quantity of content PPJA has provided, so if this is also in the realm of possibility I'd be just delighted.
    • Wingyl

      Wingyl Scruffy Nerf-Herder My mod, Quality Artisan Products, makes mead price depend upon the honey price.

      Due to limitations in the current version of PFM, it probably won't show the names correctly, and doesn't have special sprites for the meads; if/when PFM allows for the names to work then it'll support Better Artisan Goods Icons retexturing of the meads, and I think there's BAGI packs with custom mead sprites just waiting for PFM to allow custom mead names.
      • Spectacles

        Spectacles Void-Bound Voyager

        Oh my gosh I didn't know this existed! Thank you! That definitely answers my question and then some! I'll be sure to keep an eye on updates for this, I super appreciate your help.
        • Wingyl

          Wingyl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on updates for Producer Framework Mod too.

          I'm considering making an Artisan Valley QAP patch but it'd have to replace Artisan Valley's ProducerRules.json and also that thing is very very long.
          • Spectacles

            Spectacles Void-Bound Voyager

            Yeah that sounds like a big effort, it'd be awesome if you did but I don't blame you either just cos PPJA has so much content as is. But either way thank you for your hard work!

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