RELEASED More Hair (Updated 4/24)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by pencilstab, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. loveyuumore

    loveyuumore Master Chief

    Thank youu!! So pretty ^^
    • pencilstab

      pencilstab Pangalactic Porcupine

      Yeah, I was having issues with creating that hair due to the pixel limitations...
      • cure

        cure Pangalactic Porcupine

        Love your mod, currently using the longest hairstyle (The blue one in your image) and it looks spectacular, far better than the long hairstyle option in the base file. I was curious if once you were done working on this mod if you had any interest in adding additional accessories to the game as well? :nuruhappy:. The current ones are kind of lame and definitely lacking. One thing that would be an awesome addition is blush as an accessory. It's a mod to the farmer_base file I see commonly done using my guide and whenever someone posts a pic of their farmer with blush anywhere on the forums it always generates a ton of interest lol.
        • clefairykid

          clefairykid Void-Bound Voyager

          if it's possible for hairstyles to be added without replacing existing ones, does that mean it will be possible to have some new clothes?
          • keyten

            keyten Cosmic Narwhal

            Yes, some people even did that thing.
            For example this one by General_Durandal.
            You can add any sprites to any png file by extending it. Howewer only using portraits, sprites, accessories, hairs and clothes will have effect without using special Api.
              pencilstab and zyymurgy like this.
            • pencilstab

              pencilstab Pangalactic Porcupine

              Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! And I'm not sure, to be honest... The pixel limitations are even smaller for accessories and it's difficult to make anything detailed, but perhaps :)
              Currently I've been sort of working on a portrait mod (Bleh, there's so many of them though I probably won't end up finishing this one/posting it, so it's more for my personal use), but maybe after I get bored of updating this hair mod and finish up the portrait one, I will look into adding more shirts or something.

              Just to humor myself, I actually did create some new shirts for my farmer for different seasons

                Kachii, keyten, cure and 1 other person like this.
              • Jinxiewinxie

                Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                Do you know if its possible to add new accessories in a similar fashion to how you added new hair? I've tried making the png longer and wider to no avail. No matter how many additional accessory images I add (lined up nicely and all as well), the character creation only picks up the first 20.
                • laurlaur59

                  laurlaur59 Aquatic Astronaut

                  So where do I put these in the game files? I dont wanna mess this up lol
                  • Jinxiewinxie

                    Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                    SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Content\Characters\Farmer

                    Just replace the hairstyles.xnb that is already in Farmer with the new one.
                      pencilstab and cure like this.
                    • laurlaur59

                      laurlaur59 Aquatic Astronaut

                      Thank you!
                      • pencilstab

                        pencilstab Pangalactic Porcupine

                        It should be possible; just make sure your additional dimensions are correct, and then it should work, but i'm not fully sure; I've not tried, but Keyten said it's possible if it's a PNG file


                        • Jinxiewinxie

                          Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                          Thanks for replying! I messaged Keyten so hopefully they'll reply and have an idea or two on how to do it (so far extending the file down and/or to the right doesn't work, the game only picks up the first 20 entries still)
                          • xooemily

                            xooemily Orbital Explorer

                            could you make a cute ponytail?
                            • pencilstab

                              pencilstab Pangalactic Porcupine

                              Updated with three new male hairstyles, per the request of many. Tried to do a more anime-esque one (the center one) but meh... I can only do so much with so few pixels, lol
                                Trifoilum, Venoshock, tokiri and 2 others like this.
                              • tokiri

                                tokiri Big Damn Hero

                                Oh goodness! These are so cute. <: I love that first one. ♥
                                  pencilstab likes this.
                                • Royalyspooky

                                  Royalyspooky Phantasmal Quasar

                                  very stylish thank you for your hard work!
                                    pencilstab likes this.
                                  • MrIce

                                    MrIce Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    MALE HAIRS?
                                    • BasilSing

                                      BasilSing Void-Bound Voyager

                                      When I'm at the Wizard changing hair, hairs 41-45 are just bald but I think all the new hair is there?
                                      • pencilstab

                                        pencilstab Pangalactic Porcupine

                                        Yeah, that's just because of the placement of the new hair, lol
                                        There's not supposed to be anything there :)
                                          Superior_s likes this.
                                        • Ghostly Fox

                                          Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                                          Sorry for the dumb question, but I haven't gotten around to installing the mod to check, but can you change the color on the mod's hairstyles? Or are they the single color? Can you (hypothetically, I am not asking you to) make hair that is color customizqble,if the ones in the mod aren't? If so, how would that be done?

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