WARNING: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD ANY OTHER PLACE THAN NEXUSMODS. WWW. STARDEWVALLEYMODS .NET STEALS MY AND OTHER PEOPLE'S MODS AND UPLOADS THEM ON THEIR WEBSITE WITHOUT PERMISSION. DON'T DOWNLOAD OUR MODS THERE As I been playing on my main file, I started to feel like certain buildings on the farm were outdated for the current day and age that I was playing in. This wasn't dear old grandpas farm anymore, this is my farm. No more drawing water with a bucket on a rope, brick and mortise silos, or that goofy looking wind mill. So I edited their files and replace them with what I believe more modern versions should look like. I first release each separately but decide to put them together on the same thread, for easier navigation. Just download any of the zips that you like. The wind mill has a red trim and the water pump a dark green. If there is interest in different colors. Leave a comment request. All three are on the Nexus. Check out my page there for all the rest of my mods. Alternate file for Wind Mill. Gets rid of the grinding house underneath the Mill. Can still grind wheat/beets. Building shadow still there, can't fix. Downloads Silo http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/207/? Well http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/555/? Mill http://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/585/? Install info Drag Mill, Well, Silo.xnbs into Content/Buildings folder, and overwrite.