REQUEST mono color flowers

Discussion in 'Mods' started by firathmagi, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. firathmagi

    firathmagi Seal Broken

    a mod that make all of the flowers of the same type one color and stack-able would be nice
    • FinalMantasyX

      FinalMantasyX Big Damn Hero

      yes, for the love of god, the visual variety is nice but what a stupid idea to have them all stack separately. It's not like you can use them for anything, the color is meaningless once they're harvested. I can carry 999 rocks in a single stack but WHOA WHOA CALM DOWN THERE YOU CAN'T BUNDLE ALL 6 OF THOSE FLOWERS TOGETHER, THEY'RE 4 DIFFERENT COLORS!
      • daikiraikimi

        daikiraikimi Astral Cartographer

        Hm, maybe it would be something where the flowers look different when they're on screen, but once you put them in your inventory they all go to the default color? Seems like this could be accomplished by just changing the "item drop" of all the colored flowers to just one.

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